KUNSTEN Aalborg, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum & 'Transform', Aarhus Filmby 2011
A collage in 5 layers. A wandering into the very inside
video, collage
with Maria Bruun
EN NAT, EN MORGEN, 'EKKO', Århus Kunstbygning 2011
Poetry, video and light
with the writer Inge Pedersen
'Ø', Aarhus Kunstbygning 2008 a mixed-media installation.
An artwork put together by simply and sharply painted areas of colour directly on the wall and a piece of film, describing
streaming water.
The coloristic painting is spatial in terms of the space of the colour, the space between the painted areas. Movement of the water.
A work inspired of Borges´Aleffen´.
‘MONSTER’, Spanien 19 c, Århus 2010
A mixed-media installation
including video, foto and acrylics on paper

FLOWERPAINTING Galleri Bach-Møller 2007
Painted canvas-prints and paintings fill out the walls, hung up in a collage-like form. With the purpose to put the painting into a different spatial context.

'HYLDER' Galleri PI 2006 og GUIRLANDEN 2005 og 2007
Foto and painting combined. Painted canvas-prints and pure painting in smaller sizes. Mixed-media-installation
TRAKTORMALERI KUfB på Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum 2006, Kulturværftet, Helsingør, 2011 & Thisted Gymnasium 2012
Painting is challenged and tried out in new ideas. The work ‘ Traktorpainting’ or ‘Paintingpainting’ plays with the dilemma,
in which the tractor is situated, as a 3 dimensional object tied up in a 2-dimensional painting on the wall.
DECORATION & ORDERED JOBS Vingettes, posters, layout and decorations: Skejby Hospital, schools, kindergartens, rest home & dentists consultation.