I am from the Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands are located between the Shetland Islands and Iceland. At approx. 62° N, 07° W. The Faroe Islands are 18 small islands in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. Their total size is 1399 kmē. The highest mountain being 882 m (2894 feet) high is located north on the Island Eysturoy, which is the second largest islnad. The capital is Tórshavn with approx. 15,000 inhabitants, beeing the third of the contry's population af about 45,000. Tórshavn is located in the south of the biggest island Streymoy

The main income in the Faroes is fishery, which also is quite obvious, since we're surrounded by water. Although, during the last two years (since 1994) there have been indications that we might have oil in our underground. Seismic explorations and experimental drillings have been made. If it is so that we have oil in our underground, in 10-20 years our main industry will be the oil industry.

For more information on the Faroes try to link to Faroe Islands Travel Guide

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