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CATEGORIE:  Brennstoffe / Öl Produkte / Mazut

GAS Oil L-0,2-62

       INSERAT #1282
Kauf / Verkauf: sell
Hinzugefügt: 20.06.06
Gültig bis: 18.08.06
Autor: de-1459 / Germany
⇒ Autorenprofile
Titel: GAS Oil L-0,2-62

Herkunftsland: Turkmenistan
Menge: 100 000,00 Metric Tons
Preis: FOB MED Italy USD/MT
Bedingungen und Termine: FOB port Turkmenbashi
Bezahlungsformen: like Contrakt

 1,1. Gas Oil L-0,2-62, Quantity 100 000,00 MT, Preice and discounts "FOB MED (Italy)" dickont-41, Destination Termins - FOB port Turkmenbashi, Terminal TNGIZ

1.2 Hidroclean GASOIL, Quantity 20 000,00 MT, Preice and discounts "FOB MED (Italy)" dickont- 39, Destination Termins - FOB port Turkmenbashi, Terminal TNGIZ

2.1. Mazut M-100, Quantity 50 000,00 MT, Preice and discounts "FOB MED(Italy) dickont- 50, Destination Termins - FCA SNGIZ Terminal SNGIZ

2.2Gas Oil L0,58-62 Quantity 10 000,00 MT, Preice and discounts "FOB MED(Italy) dickont- 66, Destination Termins - FCA SNGIZ Terminal SNGIZ

2.3 Gas OIL L0,9-62 Quantity 50 000,00 MT, Preice and discounts "FOB MED(Italy) dickont- 66, Destination Termins - FCA SNGIZ Terminal SNGIZ

2.4 Petrol A-92 Quantity 30 000,00 MT, Preice and discounts "FOB MED(Italy) dickont- 27, Destination Termins - FOB pert Turkmenbashi Terminal TNGIZ

2.5 Cilium Iod Quantity 6, Preice and discounts 23 000,00, Destination Termins -EXW Chazar Terminal Chazar
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