How can I check to see if I have the proper computer settings?

  • Browser – If you are on a PC, please make sure you are using Internet Explorer. If you are on a Mac, please use Safari. If you are using AOL, please minimize your AOL screen, and use Internet Explorer.
  • Flash – All of our websites are Flash-based, so it is important to make sure the most recent version of Adobe Flash Player is successfully installed. For the most recent version, please go to and select the Downloads button in the grey task bar at the top of the page. This will bring you to a page where you can select the free download of Adobe Flash Player. Downloading this will update any current version of Flash you have on your computer.
  • Clearing Internet Cache - This is done on a PC by opening an Internet Explorer window, locating the tool menu, and then selecting Internet Options. Locate the Temporary Internet files, and hit delete cookies and delete files. Then select okay. Please close all Internet windows and then reopen to apply the changes you made. To clear cache on a Mac, locate your Safari menu and select clear cache. If you use Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) click here for instructions on clearing your cache and setting your security settings.
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