Track and recover your computer when it is lost or stolen!

Protect your hardware and data!The Computer Tracker from Extensoft is a theft protection software and service that helps you recover your computer when it is lost or stolen. With Computer Tracker you are no longer left without options when you lose your laptop or desktop. An opportunity to recover your PC can prove especially invaluable when your lost hardware contains critical personal or corporate data.



Pricing and Availability

Computer Tracker is included with Extensions for Windows, which includes many other features for Windows users, for only $19.95. This already low cost can be regained many times over if your computer is lost. All your need is to install Extensions for Windows with the Computer Tracker extension  and register your computer here on this Website.

Free Tracking Service

Computer Tracker includes free tracking service and does not involve any ongoing subscription fees. Once setup, our server will anonymously record your computer's IP address, which often can be tracked to specific location. In case of loss, simply login here to the Computer Tracker service and check your computer's current IP address. You can then provide the IP address  to your local law enforcement agency to assist you with computer recovery.