: Explore France and its wonders

  • 8 good reasons to travel to France in spring


    Flâneries printanières dans les jardins du Château de Valmer, dans le Val de Loire.
    Flâneries printanières dans les jardins du Château de Valmer, dans le Val de Loire.

    When spring returns and your wanderlust blooms, consider traveling in France! The country is never more beautiful than during this season. You can savor the gentle rays of the sun on charming terraces, stroll through parks and gardens bursting with blooms, and wander quietly along the seaside, in the mountains, or through picturesque countryside. Longer days allow for leisurely exploration. Plus, major exhibitions and joyful festivals are part of the program. It’s an ideal way to awaken your senses before the summer rush. 🌸🌞

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En quittant Bordeaux, la voie verte du Canal des deux mers traverse des champs de tournesol.
© Wheeled World - En quittant Bordeaux, la voie verte du Canal des deux mers traverse des champs de tournesol.

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