(You know, the Asian guy from Big Brother)

  • Although this site is about as updated as we are here, it has a message board.
    Lots of nice and positive words about Curtis.
  • Fan site with more info and articles.
  • Fan club on Yahoo Clubs.
  • Curtis-isms Fan Site -- Ooooh, witty remarks galore.
  • E-mails to Curtis
  • Big Brother Top 100 (Click here and we move up on the list. Woohoo!)
  • 09/29/2000
    (Ah well.)

    Well, the show's finally over, and Curtis took home 50K. Not bad, not bad.

    Hey, we put up all the mail we received. Maybe Curtis will someday stumble upon this site and see how much he was liked (and even loved!).

    Thanks for all the feedback, guys. And a big CONGRATULATIONS to Curtis!


    Wow. A week left to go, and he's still rolling with the punches.

    But he's up for banishment again, like he has been each and every time it was nomination week.

    Whatever. We're not into ganging up on any one person just to let Curtis win, like some of the other sites out there. Actually, we're here just to find out more about him from people who know him. (No big bites yet.)

    But now that he's not as seemingly shy/scared about being himself, it's probably not necessary. And he's stuck around long enough for people to figure out that he's really not just a boring Asian lawyer, and that's what we thought was most important. He seems to be an interesting, witty guy with opinions, who really does care about people.

    Admittedly, we didn't start rooting for him until he was up against Jordan, and that was because it didn't seem like he had a chance.

    It's nice to see that he's come into his own.

    And if he wins, that's even better -- 'cause we thought for sure he'd get booted off for the exotic dancer.

    (Obviously i'm really into this.)

    Curtis is least popular with 8% of the vote! Woohoo! Oh well, all that matters is whether he gets booted off. i mean look at who won Survivor. >:-}

    Oh hey, we now know Curtis's last name: Kin. There's that and just a tiny bit more information on this page.

    Oh crap... Curtis is part of the 5-way tie for most nominations. Damn this stupid show. Couldn't they come up with better rules? Some kind of immunity challenge, G says! Oof. Ok guys, looks like we may need to "Save Curtis" again.


    So somehow he beat out Jordan, the exotic dancer. This must mean something, right? G speculated that there must be some underground Internet campaign to keep him in the house.

    Judging from the minimal discussion on soc.culture.asian.american and the complete lack of mention on AsianAvenue.com, i don't think so.

    Still, as i posted on s.c.a.a., i find it amazing that we don't know more about this guy than what's posted on the Big Brother website about him being a lawyer who went to school at USC and Stanford Law.

    C'mon, somebody must know this guy, or a friend of a friend of his. Right? There's tons of useless trivia out on the net about all the other houseguests. (George accidentally killed his buddy while hunting, Whatsherface the beauty queen, William the black activist...)

    So c'mon, don't just help save Curtis from banishment from the house. Help him from vanishing into obscurity while he's *in* the house.

    Do You Know Curtis?