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19 Crazy Japanese Inventions

        posted by Emiko, September 11, 2009 updated on December 13, 2011

Firstly, let me say that Japan is one of the leaders in product research and development and has invented thousands of useful things. But with all that product development going on there are sure to be a few inventions that miss the mark. Here are some of the craziest inventions coming from Japan:
19. When you are just too lazy to stand up.
18. Lipstick stencil
17. Fake hand covers your mouth when you use a toothpick. Classy!
16. Early prototype of the panoramic camera.
15. Finally, a robot that can make pancakes.
14. When you are serious about staying dry.
13. When convenience is everything and you just don't care how you look.
12. Solar bra can power electric devices. A great excuse not to wear a shirt!
11. When you want that pants falling down look but your just too lazy.
10. These actually sell well despite being expensive.
9. Because toast just isn't cute enough.
8. It is true that butter can be difficult to spread.
7. Shoe umbrella ... this could work.
6. Fashion or utility?
5. Now busy executives can nurse two babies at once.
4. Color contacts that enlarge the pupils to look like a manga character.
3. Marriage countdown bra.
2. Comfort for lonely singles.
1. Finally a practical use for babies.
In case you didn't guess — these aren't real inventions. They are chindogu — the Japanese game of inventing silly things as a joke.
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