There is no Free Speech at NPR

All Things Considered? Really? Does the NPR, the National Public Radio allow free speech by all its radio personalities? The answer is NO! and the evidence is the firing of Juan Williams for speaking his mind. 

Juan Williams was fired by NPR over this remark, “…when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Mr. Williams was clearly expressing his personal reservations about the subject matter, not making an anti-Muslim remark of any sort. Williams’ comment was not about Muslims directly, it was more how he deals with his bias. Yet NPR didn’t see it that way.

“His remarks on The O’Reilly Factor this past Monday were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR,” the NPR statement read.

Editorial Standards? Really
Is this what NPR has become? An editoral staff that is so strict that their employees cannot express an opinion without retaliation? I fail to see how Mr. Williams remarks compromises the “editorial standards’ of NPR.

NPR has no ‘public’ standards anyway, just an liberal agenda that only tolerates attacks on conservative values. NPR that once ran an editorial cartoon titled, “How To Speak Tea Bag,” yes its ok to attack some groups.  Terry Gross’s NPR radio show is nothing but a Christian bashing, show that makes any Christian sound like an illiterate hate group.  Also Daniel Shorr, Nina Totenberg, Diane Rheim, Scott Simon may as well be paid consultants of the Democratic party.

Not Public Radio
NPR needs a name change because they don’t really represent the views of the public. There is nothing ‘national’ or ‘public’ about a radio station that has ‘control’ over its employees right to free speech at this level. It really Not Public Radio its Nasty Private Radio.

Racism is Alive At NPR …Let’s keep it a Secret
As of today, NPR is officially a ‘racist’ radio station because it fired African-American, Juan Williams for stating his opinion. If Fox fired Williams for remarks, this would be a headline story.

Stop Funding NPR
It way beyond time to stop funding NPR with public money. Lets change the name to National Progressive Radio. US tax dollars should absolutely NOT be going to fund what for years has been a cathedral for the “progressive” speak.  Maybe its time to start talking about implementing the Fairness Doctrine to NPR.  Its time for NPR to try to survive on its own in the free market. Write your state and federal representatives and demand that NPR’s federal funding be removed and used to reduce our federal budget deficit. offers a full range of iPad Rentals. Get yours today by visiting or by calling 800-736-8772.

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