the payphone project
"The best — and most entertaining — website that tracks the de-evolution of payphones and phone booths" AT&T
stories, pictures, phone numbers and news from payphones and public telephony
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Click here for tips on using this database.
This database contains approximately 500,000 payphone numbers.
If you possess a large (500,000+), up-to-date collection of numbers from a reliable source, and are interested in contributing, please contact me in confidence.

  • The old format listings of numbers from the United States, comprising numbers and stories sent in by contributors. Update 8.6.2007: You can now browse through the database of about 750,000 payphone numbers. The original purpose of this collection was to encourage people to call payphones, and to make random contact with complete strangers. Today, few payphones accept incoming calls. This listing is kept on-line in the hope that it could be useful in matching a payphone number to its location.

  • The rest of the world is represented on this site in the Payphone Photos section. Payphone numbers, where available, are included.

The Payphone Project is copyright, 1995-2024. home / USPS blue mailbox locator / payphone number data museum / payphone pictures / privacy / about / contact