Swedish sausage dish12

The day after cooking a Khmer feast for family and friends, something fast and easy was on the menu for tonight.
This dish  has nothing to do with Swedish food, actually most Swedes don't even know it. The name comes from the seventies and eighties where a lot of Danes went camping in Sweden. Little kitchen equipment was available so this dish quickly gained popularity cause it was fast, easy and cheap to make. 

You need:
2 onions
10 sausages
750 gram of potatoes
40 gram of tomato paste
2 tablespoons of ketchup
2 dl cream
2 teaspoons smoked paprika
Black Kampot pepper

Boil the potatoes

 Peel and chop the onion, and cut the sausages into 1 cm thick pieces.

Sauté the chopped onion in a little oil till they are golden and clear. Add the sausage and let them simmer for a couple of minutes. Sprinkle with paprika and mix it well with sausage and onions. 

Add tomato paste, ketchup, cream and a bit of water and mix well. Add salt and black Kampot pepper to taste. Let it simmer for around 15 minutes.
Cut the potatoes into slices, add the and cook for another 5 minutes.
Serve it with good bread. 

Khmer vegetable curry12

You need:
40 ml oil
2  table spoons annatto seeds

4 table spoons red curry paste
6 kaffir lime leaves
4 carrots, peeled and cut into small rings
1 kilo sweet potatoes, peel and cut into mouth size pieces
2 onions, peeled and cut into mouth size pieces
4 tablespoons fish sauce
2 table spoons palm sugar
250 gram green beans
2 cans coconut milk

Heat the oil over medium heat and add the annatto seeds. when hot and smoky, strain the oil from the seeds and discard the seeds.
Put the oil back over medium heat and add the curry paste. Fry for a minute. Add kaffir lime leaves, carrot, sweet potatoes and onions and fry for a couple of minutes. Add fish sauce, palm sugar and a little water. Let it simmer for around 10 minutes. 
Add coconut milk and bring to boil, boil for 5 minuets and then add the green beans. 
taste to your liking, if to hot, add a bit sugar.
Remove the kaffir lime leaves and serve with steamed rice. 

Tiger shrimps with black Kampot pepper12

For this you really need Kampot pepper, other peppers just don't taste right...

You need: 
3 table spoons sugar
1 kg tiger shrimps
2 tablespoons oil
3 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped
1 tablespoon Black Kampot Pepper
2 table spoons fish sauce
1 bunch coriander, chopped fine

Heat wok over high heat, add sugar. When the sugar starts to caramelise, add the shrimps, oil and garlic.
Fry for 2-3 minutes.
Add Black Kampot pepper, fish sauce and coriander and fry for 1-2 minutes more, till the coriander is fragrant.
Served as a starter or a snack with some good bread. 

Lime chilli dip12

You need:
2 carrots, peeled and grated fine
2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
2 chillies, chopped fine
3 table spoons of roasted peanuts, coarsely chopped
125 ml lime sauce
125 ml fish sauce
4 table spoons palm sugar
250 ml warm water.

Mix all the above ingredients till the sugar is dissolved. 
Set aside 30 minutes before serving. 

Chilli coriander dip12

You need:
250 ml warm water
2 tablespoons palm sugar
8 tablespoons fish sauce
6 shallots, peeled and chopped fine
2 garlic, peeled and chopped
2 bird chillies, chopped fine
1 bunch coriander, chopped fine

Mix water, palm sugar and fish sauce
Add the chopped shallots, garlic, chillies and coriander and mix well. Set aside for 30 minutes before serving to fresh spring rolls

Fresh Spring rolls12

You need:
16 dried rice paper wrappers
2 handfuls of dried rice vermicelli
250 gram boiled shrimps
16 salad leaves
2 carrot
1 cucumber
150 gram bean sprouts
10 spring onions
1 bunch Thai basil
1 bunch mint leaves
Wash salad leaves, and dry them. Peel carrots and cucumber and cut into fine strips. 
Put the rice vermicelli in hot water for 2 minutes, till soft, rinse under cold water, and drain for water
Cut the spring onion into short pieces. 

To soften the rice paper, put 1 piece at the time, into hot water for about 1 minute, till soft. Spread it out on a clean surface.
To fill the spring rolls start with a lettuce leave, then add a bit of all the other ingredients, except shrimps and herbs. 
 Place the filling closer to one end of the paper. Now fold the edge closest to you over the filling, fold in the sides, and roll up half way tightly to ensure all the ingredients. Add the shrimps and the herbs, and roll up tightly to finish the folding.  (don't worry, the first ones won't be perfect, practice makes perfect) 
Continue with the rest of the papers and the fillings
Just before serving, cut them in halves.

Served with chilli coriander dip, lime chilli dip, or hot chilli sauce.

Khmer Pickled vegetables12

For this you need:
250 ml white vinegar
2 tablespoon salt
12 tablespoons sugar
3 carrots
1 daikon radish
1 cucumber
5 cloves garlic
4 small chillies
1 bnt. fresh coriander.

Combine vinegar, salt and sugar over heat and bring to boil. set aside to cool down.
Peel carrots, daikon radish and cucumber and cut it into fine strips or grate it.
Peel the garlic and mash them on the side with a meat cleaver. Chop the chillies and the coriander fine
Combine all of the above ingrediense together and store in a airtight jar in the refrigerator overnight.

Taste really good with BBQ kebabs, or chicken kebabs.

Khmer BBQ beef kebabs12

You need:
1 teaspoon black Kampot pepper
1 stalk lemon grass
3 cloves of garlic
2 shallots
4 tablespoons soya sauce
2 tablespoons palm sugar
500 gram tender beef, cut into strips
Bamboo skewers

Chop the tender inner part of the bottom of the lemon grass. Peel and chop the garlic and the shallots. Ground the pepper. Combine these in a mortar and pound it all into a paste.  Add soya sauce and palm sugar and mix well. 

Put the meat into the marinate and marinade for 1 hour, longer if possible.

Skewer the beef onto the skewers and grill the kebabs for 5 minutes on each side at 200 degrees. 
Served with pickled vegetables and maybe some bread for the perfect starter or snack. 

Grilled pork, Khmer style12

You need:
3 cloves garlic
5 tablespoons soya sauce
3 tablespoons palm sugar og honey
150 ml coconut milk
Fresh ground Kampot black Pepper, to taste
400 gram lean pork meat.

Peel the garlic and chop it fine.

 Combine Palmsugar

 Soya sauce and coconut milk

With Black Kampot pepper and garlic.
Mix all well, and marinate the pork for atleast 1 hours, longer if possible.

Grill the pork in a 200 degree hot oven, turning it every few minuts till it starts to dry out and caramelize, this should take around 15-20 minuts.

Slice the meat into thin strips and serve with pickled vegetables and steamed rice.