Fem bogserier jeg virkelig gerne vil begynde på lige nu

For tiden er jeg lidt i det der læsehumør, hvor jeg har lyst til at begynde på en nye serie, at opdage et nyt univers og nye, fantastiske karakterer. Så hermed fem bogserier jeg har luret på længe og er dem jeg lige nu har mest lyst til at starte på.


Scythe-trilogien af Neal Schusterman, Engelsk

Den her har jeg lagt i min indkøbskurv på diverse bogshoppingsider mindst 10 gange, og jeg burde seriøst bare købe den. Den er pæn, lyder fantastisk, og jeg kan ikke holde op med at tænke på den. Den første bog er udkommet, og toeren udkommer næste år. Så vidt jeg ved er det en trilogi. Find den på Goodreads her.



Stormheart-serien af Cora Carmack, Engelsk

Jeg har læst Cora Carmacks NA-romance-serie Losing It, og dem elskede jeg. Stormheart er YA fantasy, så en lidt anden boldgade, men jeg er ligeglad – den første bog lyder fantastisk! Find den på Goodreads her.


Fallen Isles-trilogien af Jodi Meadows, Engelsk

Jeg har ikke læst noget af Jodi Meadows, men jeg har kigget på både hendes Newsoul og Orphan Queen-serie flere gange, og de lyder virkelig spændende! Men den her lyder helt fantastisk, og jeg er helt forelsket i coveret. Det er YA fantasy med drager, og den første bog er udkommet, og toeren kommer næste år. Find den på Goodreads her.


Nevernight-trilogien af Jay Kristoff, Engelsk

Det her er også en af de bøger jeg har været et enkelt klik fra at købe flere gange. Den bliver rost til skyerne, den lyder fantastisk, og coveret er fantastisk. Det er noget med en snigmorderskole, det er fantasy, og jeg er mega solgt på konceptet. De to første bøger er udkommet, og den sidste udkommer næste år. Find den på Goodreads her.


Gold Seer-trilogien af Rae Carosn, Engelsk

Jeg elskede Rae Carsons Fire and Thorns-trilogi, og den her har et helt anderldes koncept end noget jeg har hørt om før. Den foregår i perioden omkring det amerikanske Gold Rush, og handler om en pige der kan fornemme guld i jorden. Den er vel en slags historisk fantasy af en art. Alle bøger er udkommet, og du kan finde den på Goodreads her.

På Min Ønskeliste #160: Southern Reach #1: Annihilation


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Winner of the 2015 Nebula Award.

Area X has been cut off from the rest of the continent for decades. Nature has reclaimed the last vestiges of human civilization. The first expedition returned with reports of a pristine, Edenic landscape; all the members of the second expedition committed suicide; the third expedition died in a hail of gunfire as its members turned on one another; the members of the eleventh expedition returned as shadows of their former selves, and within months of their return, all had died of aggressive cancer.

This is the twelfth expedition.

Their group is made up of four women: an anthropologist; a surveyor; a psychologist, the de facto leader; and our narrator, a biologist. Their mission is to map the terrain and collect specimens; to record all their observations, scientific and otherwise, of their surroundings and of one another; and, above all, to avoid being contaminated by Area X itself.

They arrive expecting the unexpected, and Area X delivers—they discover a massive topographic anomaly and life forms that surpass understanding—but it’s the surprises that came across the border with them, and the secrets the expedition members are keeping from one another, that change everything.




På Min Ønskeliste #161: Warcross #1: Warcross

Det kan godt være jeg synes coveret er forfærdeligt (som i virkelig forfærdeligt), men fuck hvor lyder den fantastisk! Nu har jeg jo ikke læst alt af Marie Lu, men jeg har læst Legend-trilogien som jeg synes var fantastisk. Og som bonus udkommer den også på dansk til oktober. Jeg er lidt i tvivl om det er en trilogi eller duologi, men der er to bøger at finde i serien på Goodreads indtil videre.

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For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. The obsession started ten years ago and its fan base now spans the globe, some eager to escape from reality and others hoping to make a profit. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally. But the bounty hunting world is a competitive one, and survival has not been easy. Needing to make some quick cash, Emika takes a risk and hacks into the opening game of the international Warcross Championships—only to accidentally glitch herself into the action and become an overnight sensation.

Convinced she’s going to be arrested, Emika is shocked when instead she gets a call from the game’s creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year’s tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job. With no time to lose, Emika’s whisked off to Tokyo and thrust into a world of fame and fortune that she’s only dreamed of. But soon her investigation uncovers a sinister plot, with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire.

På Min Ønskeliste #159: Asiana #1: Markswoman


Bogen udkommer 23. Januar 2018. Find den på Goodreads her.

An order of magical-knife wielding female assassins brings both peace and chaos to their post-apocalyptic world in this bewitching blend of science fiction and epic fantasy—the first entry in a debut duology that displays the inventiveness of the works of Sarah Beth Durst, Marie Lu, and S. J. Kincaid

Kyra is the youngest Markswoman in the Order of Kali, a highly trained sisterhood of elite warriors armed with telepathic blades. Guided by a strict code of conduct, Kyra and the other Orders are sworn to protect the people of Asiana. But to be a Markswoman, an acolyte must repudiate her former life completely. Kyra has pledged to do so, yet she secretly harbors a fierce desire to avenge her dead family.

When Kyra’s beloved mentor dies in mysterious circumstances, and Tamsyn, the powerful, dangerous Mistress of Mental Arts, assumes control of the Order, Kyra is forced on the run. Using one of the strange Transport Hubs that are remnants of Asiana’s long-lost past, she finds herself in the unforgiving wilderness of desert that is home to the Order of Khur, the only Order composed of men. Among them is Rustan, a young, disillusioned Marksman whom she soon befriends.

Kyra is certain that Tamsyn committed murder in a twisted bid for power, but she has no proof. And if she fails to find it, fails in her quest to keep her beloved Order from following Tamsyn down a dark path, it could spell the beginning of the end for Kyra–and for Asiana.

But what she doesn’t realize is that the line between justice and vengeance is razor thin . . . thin as the blade of a knife.




På Min Ønskeliste #158: Blue Balls


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Truth: A painful condition caused by a prolonged state of sexual arousal without release.
Myth: Only affects males.


I’m beyond frustrated with the man who’s left me high and very far from dry. Multiple times. But, somehow, even though I’m not interested in a relationship, Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome keeps me coming back for more—one crazy, sexual debacle after the next.

Come hell or high water, the stars will align, and the release will be out of this world.

I’m captivated with the woman who’s left me sixty-nine shades of blue, and she’s only in this for one thing. The first time, I blew it—and not in the good way—but I’m going to ensure we finally see it through. I need to put an end to this “plague” of sexual calamities and prove to Sarah that we can have more.

It’s time to grab the universe by the balls and show it who’s boss.

På Min Ønskeliste #157: Effigies #1: Fate of Flames


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Years ago, everything changed. Phantoms, massive beasts of nightmare, began terrorizing the world. At the same time four girls, the Effigies, appeared, each with the unique power to control a classical element. Since then, they have protected the world from the Phantoms. At the death of one Effigy, another is chosen, pulled from her normal life into the never-ending battle.

When Maia unexpectedly becomes the next Fire Effigy, she resists her new calling. A quiet girl with few friends and almost no family, she was much happier to admire the Effigies from afar. Never did she imagine having to master her ability to control fire, to protect innocent citizens from the Phantoms, or to try bringing together the other three Effigies.

But with the arrival of the mysterious Saul—a man who seems to be able to control the Phantoms using the same cosmic power previously only granted to four girls at a time—Maia and the other Effigies must learn to work together in a world where their celebrity is more important than their heroism.

But the secrets Saul has, and the power he possesses, might be more than even they can handle…