The author

Paul Sulzberger

Totally committed to projects that will improve the wellbeing and income of translators.

Paul Sulzberger was born in New Zealand and studied second language teaching methodology at Moscow State University in the late 1960’s. He completed his MA (Hons) degrees in modern languages and political science at Victoria University, Wellington. Later in life he completed his PhD in Applied Linguistics.

During the 1970’s Paul taught Russian at New Zealand’s Otago University and then worked as a translator and interpreter for the New Zealand Government in the early to mid 1980s. In 1986, in collaboration with several other colleagues, he established his own translation company, New Zealand Translation Centre Ltd, which grew into the largest professional document translation provider in Australasia.

Dr Sulzberger has had wide experience in virtually all aspects of the translation industry from working as professional translator, an IT specialist dealing with computing in foreign languages to managing a translation company with a full-time complement of approximately 50 staff.

In 2012, Dr Sulzberger founded Translator Pay Ltd and makes no secret of his ambition to see it champion the interests of translators worldwide. is a global payment system designed to get translators paid across currency zones with no fees, deductions or bank charges – and at better exchange rates. The system provides Language Service Providers with online tools to simplify the process of paying their freelancers – all at zero cost.

Dr Sulzberger currently devotes his time to being an enthusiastic grandfather, a little translation, and blogging on translation issues.

Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington, New Zealand

11 Responses to The author

  1. Marianne Power says:

    Hello there,
    I’m writing an in-depth article for a UK magazine about how to learn a foreign language and wondered if you might be able to spare some time to talk to me? You seem to know what you’re talking about!
    best wishes

  2. Taina Tammelin-Laine says:

    Dear Paul,
    I’m writing my PhD about non-literate immigrants acquiring Finnish as their second language and I found that you have studied the acquisition of phonological form in second language learning. How and where could I find your studies to read?

    Kind regards,
    Taina Tammelin-Laine

  3. Stefanie says:


    The Top 100 Language Lovers 2012 competition hosted by the language portal and the Lexiophiles language blog has started and your Twitter account has been nominated. Congratulations! The nomination period goes until May 13th. Feel free to spread the word among other bloggers writing about languages or to suggest one blog yourself.

    Please email me so I have your contact details (stefanie [at] bab [dot] la) and send you information about the status of the competition and the badge.

    For further information on the Top 100 Language Lovers 2011 competition, visit

    Best wishes,
    Stefanie for the and Lexiophiles team

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  5. Pingback: Are bad translators driving out the good? – By Paul Sulzberger | The Big Wave

  6. Pingback: Tackling Commoditization through Diversification | Language Matters in Canada

  7. Pingback: La diversification des services comme réponse à la marchandisation de la traduction | Language Matters in Canada

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  9. Pingback: Se pecora ti fai, il lupo ti mangia »

  10. Pingback: Are bad translators driving out the good? | makkioprove

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