The Ultimate Strategy Guide for Red Alert 2

DK:(Denne strategi er hugget fra en eller anden hjemmeside, jeg ikke kan huske. Kredit til den!)

UK:(This Strategi Guide is copied from somewhere on the net I dont remember! Credit to them)






The Ultimate Strategy Guide consists of over fourteen thousand words - it is the most comprehensive and detailed strategy guide available anywhere for RA2; I don't suggest buying the official Prima Strategy Guide - this is far more effective; it is written by someone who has played the game reguarly for roughly a year now - if you want to improve your game, be you a top ranking player or a lowly ranked player, then reading this guide will help a lot.


The guide is designed to teach you as much as possible about how to play like a pro on WOL against fellow players; obviously the guide itself cannot make you a good player by simply reading it - you need to practice and you need to think about any tactics that I mention and how to adjust them to your game situation.... Reading this guide and other strategies on websites definitely improves your game - I find that discussing strategies with fellow players is the best way to improve your game. As for my credentials for writing this guide, I am a top 500 player - top 200 to 300 when I play regularly. I have played, I would venture, near to a thousand games of ra2 online. I know lots of good players and have beaten lots of good players. I have also been beaten by lots of good players! - Playing with the best is the best way to become a good player - playing newbies (that's not an offensive term) every game will not improve your game.


I became a good player several months after the game was out - mainly thanks to being taught up by a better player (at the time anyway ;) - the best way to learn is to be taught by someone in a game situation - a good player will immediately notice obvious flaws in a players game; and quite a few will be more than willing to give you advice on how to improve it. One thing that improves with practice is build time and orders - discussing these with other players is the best way to experiment with new ones and find the one that is right for you. I try to make sure I learn something every game; this is difficult if you play someone who obviously is very poor at the game; but if you play a good player then you should always pick something up - and if you lose then you should definitely pick something up! - If I lose I ask myself what I did wrong.. sometimes the game can come down to luck.. but a good player creates luck; analysing your own game is a key part of improving your skill - asking yourself - "Why didn't I do this and why didn't I do that?" is the best way to figure out what to do next time; obviously the best form of improving your game is sheer practice; but I have played many players who play the game constantly but obviously don't improve every game - if you don't analyse your games then you will never improve. As I mentioned before, the best way to become good is to try to make mates with a good player (so suck up to them basically) - then hopefully they will train you up; writing tips and strategies on a website is effective - but no where as near as effective as being able to see the mistakes in a persons game and then correct them. A good Red Alert 2 player is a good strategist - a good strategiest analyses situations, looks to expose flaws, thinks fast - and most importantly; never stops learning.




The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #1 - Team & Nation Selection


Whilst the majority of people say that the Allies are the better team - I disagree; I do not think it is possible to pick the "better team" - because of the simple fact that the teams are balanced overall; obviously Soviets have an advantage at the start, and Allies one later on in the game - but overall the game is balanced. I myself am a Soviet player - I used to be Allies all the time until I realised that i getting beaten in some games because of the simple fact Soviets have an early game advantage - to be beaten by a player who is less skilled than you but won on virtue of the fact that the soviets had an early game advantage is extremely annoying - in Section 6 I will deal with both rushing and preventing rushing.


In my opinion it is better to play with the team that you are most comfortable with; so if you like playing Allies more than Soviets play Allies. I strongly recommend that you test out both teams thoroughly though - I totally underestimated the power of the Soviets whilst I was an Allied player - I thought that the Allies high-tech units were practically guarenteed to give them victory - I was wrong; very wrong.


In terms of picking a specific team for a specific map I would venture that the Allies are better on larger maps and the Soviets on smaller ones - the Soviets rely on force rather than the "finesse" of the Allies - hence the ability to quickly build a group of rhino tanks and cross the map in less than half a minute is certainly an advantage for the Soviets as it gives less time for the Allies to reach high-tech..


In my opionion the Allied Navy is superior to the Soviet Navy - I would agree that destroyers are useless against a Soviet opponent who has the sense to build sea scorpions - but in my opinion Dolphins make up for this - they are fast and when used by a skilled player, deadly - capable of wrecking groups of submarines due to the fact that their speed allows them to dodge the torpedoes of the Soviet Submarines. Aircraft carriers are superior to dreadnoughts in the way that they are far more likely to bypass enemy air defenses - I would much rather have dreadnoughts against an opponent with little air defense though. As for the squid I see it as too simple a unit - groups of dolplhins destroy them with ease. So to sum the above paragraph up - I suggest that Allies have the advantage in Naval War games or in maps with large water areas..




Every Nation is useful - there is no arguing about that; but some nations are useless in some cases:


FRANCE: Useful against every nation but can backfire when playing America ( If the player drops his paratroopers near important structures in your base then your Grand Cannons will all fire around that area - and in the process could damage/destroy your buildings.. Grand Cannons aren't usually used by attacking players - people who like to defend use them more often - and many like to "turtle" ( Surround their base with grand cannons and patriots in an attempt to make the base inpenetrable ) - anyway I will discuss how to deal with turtles in Section 8. France are not recommended on wide open maps with few pinch points.


KOREA: A very useful nation in my opinion - with significant power and speed - very useful for playing on large maps which take enemy units significant time to cross. Useful against all nations. It takes a lot of air defense to stop them - and the fact that you only need 6-7 of them to destroy an MCV allows for the Black Eagle MCV rush. If you use them and build an AFC before your war factory then I suggest placing one pillbox next to the AFC.


AMERICA: The most popular choice of many players without a doubt - they are useful against all nations - however you must be careful against Iraq and Britain. Dropped in effective positions they can be devestating - they can be used for establishing strong-holds all across the map; if you manage to deploy 8 paratroopers in an enemies base then his dogs wont be effective against you - he will need tanks to squash the units or other high-tech units (mirage,prism etc) - The other advantage of playing USA is that you dont have to pay for the units - so you are given 1600 credits for free every paradrop essentially...


BRITAIN: One of the less popular choices due to the act that the majority of games have very little to do with infantry; they are more so based upon tanks and other vehicles - so to pick Britain against a Soviet opponent is simply not worth it in my opion - however they are best used against Iraq - capable of destroying desolators with ease. They are useful against America as well - but I would rather pick another nation and use dogs to stop the threat of paradrops causing damage..


GERMANY: Useful against the Soviets as they are an excellent repellent to the favoured Soviet tank rush; however, the fact they do not have a turning turret (their gun can only fire straight in front of itself), means that they are often a victim of skilled drive bys (explained in Section 10 - they annoyingly totally useless against infantry and structures. It is important to back Tank Destroyers up with other units - even a group of GI's will do - just don't leave them on their own if the enemy has infantry or air units that he is likely to use against them...


IRAQ: My favoured choice, the desolator has the ability to turn the tide of a game - used skillfully he can wipe out whole groups of units - the radiation that the Desolator omitts simply rips through the weak armour of the allied units - especially the mirage and prism tanks - on top of the IFV - it will also cause damage against the grizzly tank but obviously not as much - the only weakness that the desolator has against the allies is its vulnerability to air attack - a rocketeer or harrier will finish off the desolator efficiently - the only real way to stop this is to place a few apocalypse tanks next to it - the radiation will barely have an effect on them.. Best used in twos or threes ina flak trak (run the flak trak into the enemys units and deploy the desolators as soon as they come out).


LIBYA: The damage that the demo truck does was once amazing, however, since it was adjusted in a patch, it isn't as potent a weapon - yet certainly still useful - hence the demo truk has many admirers - and many haters; if you know what you are doing it is quite easy to stop even the most skilled of demo truck rushers..the key to beating Libya is to be alert - if you let your concentration slip for one moment you can say bye bye to half your base - and your hopes of winning the game. To stop demo trucks you must scatter units such as terror drones across the map - if you are the allies then you have to have harriers grouped and ready for action - remember - a harrier isnt always guarenteed to hit its target - so the safer option is to have 2 harriers ready...if the worst happens and the demo truck is en route to your base and you have no means of stopping it then attempt to destroy it as early as possible - even if it means losing a lot of your units - your base must be seen as #1.


RUSSIA: Underestimated in my opion - tesla tanks kill infantry units instantly, pack a punch against tanks, are fast and can fire their tesla coils over enemy walls - used in groups these units can be deadly - try using them for quick hit and run attacks; take out a group of enemy units with them and then retreat quickly - to counter the tesla tank you either have to rely on air attack - e.g. rocketeers or have to overcome them with grizzly/rhino tanks. The weakness of the tesla tank is its armour - or more so the lack of it. A group of tanks will quickly destroy a tesla tank.


CUBA: Cuba; in my opinion the most useless nation on the game - putting them in groups is suicide; the best Cuba tactic that I know of is to quickly build 3 flak traks and to load each one with 1 or 2 terrorists - drive them into the enemy base - they ( in many ) cases simply wont have enough defense to stop all three Flak Traks going through - once inside the base you unload the flak traks and attempt to destroy the vital structures ( refinery,MCV, war factory ) - Terrorists are extremely cheap at $200 - but they are too weak to be used on their own - I do not recommend using them.


Summary: So to sum the above up in a few lines, every nation has its uses - some moreso than others - and some have distinct advantages or disadvantages against some nations/sides. Pick a nation that you feel capable of using - and make sure you use it against a nation that it is useful against.


The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #2 - Your Economy


The economy is arguably the most important aspect of Red Alert 2; for without money you have nothing - hence a good economy is vital to win a game..


There are two basic methods of having a good economy; to build a lot of refineries, or to build a lot of harvesters - whilst both of the aforementioned methods have their advantages and disadvantages, I favour the first method - the fact that I am a Soviet player is further reason for that: The aim of an allied player should be to keep his forces strong enough to hold off a Soviet attack whilst trying to build a battle lab as soon as possbile; the soviet players aim is, to put it quite simply, build as many rhino tanks as possible- hence you don't want to be building harvesters in your war factories - the opposite is true for the allies - they don't want to be building ore refineries as it will result in taking longer for them to put up a battle lab.. As allies I would recommed building one war miner out of your war factory (but not on very small maps - just go straight for grizllies in this instance)


Building ore refineries is a lot easier than building harvesters for the Soviets; to balance building harvesters and other units to fend off enemy attacks is a much harder task for the Allies - and it takes practice to be able to balance the production - yet when mastered is an extremely powerful skill - it is possible to get a batte lab up within six minutes - the "average" Soviet tank rush occurs from around 5 - 8 minutes; so it can be hard to balance the production of your forces as well as harvesters; but if you succeed in building a good economy as well as getting to high-tech quickly, your chances of winning the game - especially if against a Soviet opponent, are excellent. Obviously it is also possible to hold off or even attack with groups of grizzly tanks - they may not be as powerful as the rhino tanks, but if used well and in superior numbers, they are more than capable of destroying them.


You should always aim to have a superior economy to your enemy - as if you do, you can build more units and more structures - which should result in a win - unless you are outsmarted by your enemy - tactical awareness is something that cannot be taught - it is something gained through practice and experience; the only thing that I can recommend is too keep looking at what your enemy is upto - and to adjust your game plan according - scouting is discussed in Section 4 - this is vital as you have to be able to see the most important parts of the map in order to see what your opponent is upto; it's also vital to uncover the shroud in his base to see exactly what he plans to do with his economy - for example, if he is building harvesters and nothing else from his war factory then you must either a) build the same amount of harvesters or b) go and attack him while he has a weak defense - I always go for option B; if you ruin an enemys economy before he has even established his forces then he will have to attempt to re-establish his economy - which will take him 2-3 minutes - enough time for you to build up some more forces and then crush him. Tech buildings such as oil derricks also play an important part in your economy - these are discussed in Section 3


In some games the only viable way to win is to destroy your enemys economy; for example, if your enemy boxes himself up in his base by building lots of defensive structures ( particularly annoying if the enemy is France ) - then you simply have to destroy his harvesters - use rocketeers, harriers, terror drones, chrono legionnaires, mirage tanks or apocalypse tanks to do this as they are the most effective units versus harvesters. If you succeed in destroying the enemys economy then you can just build your forces up gradually and chip away at the enemys base - if he has no viable economy then he will give in sooner or later..


There are a few simple things that can be done to give your economy a slight head-start on your opponents - one tip is to harvest the gems [multi-coloured ore] before you harvest the normal ore - doing the aformentioned will gain you twice as much credits - and if you are able to acheive a superior economy at the start of the game then you will have a distinct advantage..


It is without doubt possible to win games without more than 1 harvester and 1 refinery - but only if you go for the early kill - better known as "the rush" - this is discussed in Ssection 6..


The basic way to start an economy going is to build your first refinery as close to the ore as possible; this means that harvester journeys to and fro do not take as long; the best way to know where to place your structures is to know the outlay of a map beforehand.. doing this will often allow you to dump your refinery right next to a patch of gems instead of ore.. after building your war factory (after your first refinery is up), I suggest that you build two more before considering building other structures.. you should sell any refineries which aren't needed (I.E. there is another refinery right next to it which can be used). Often there are several patches of ore around your base - harvest one patch first but make sure you have a refinery ready to place by the next patch once you have consumed all of the ore in the first patch.


Summary: Your economy is vital - without it you are nothing - learning how to achieve a good economy but manage to produce sufficient units to stop you from becoming vulnerable is hard - but without doubt worthwhile - and quite simply put, vital if you ever wish to be more than the "average player".


The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #3 - Importance of Tech Buildings

Any good player knows that tech buildings are vital to their success - a player who controls 4 oil derricks, as opposed to a player who controls none, will have the an initial capture bonus of $4000 (If you capture an oil derrick you are awarded $1000) and will also be making money from the oil derricks throughout the game; oil derricks are particlulary important to the Soviet player - capturing oil derricks instead of building extra harvesters allows the soviet player to keep on building rhino tanks; giving him a better chance of victory as a result. It is vital that you: a)protect oil derricks and b)capture them early on in the game.


To protect oil derricks in an early game situation just build a pillbox/sentry gun next to them - you may think "But that costs another 500 - and my engineer cost me 500 - which means I'm back down to nothing cause capturing it only gave me 1000" - don't think that - oil derricks supply you with regular income throughout the game - and pillbox/sentry guns are vital to stop enemy engineers simply walking into the oil derrick and gaining the 1000 capture bonus.


The key to taking control of the oil in a game is to capture the oil derricks early on in the game; before your opponent has the chance to. I send out dogs to guard the oil derricks before i send engineers - "why?" - because the dogs eat the enemy engineers or any other infantry that he may send - obviously any good player will probably send dogs out as well - yet it is still a far better idea to send out dogs before your engineers.


Obviously there are other tech buildings apart from the oil derrick that can play important parts in games - airbases are the second most important civialian structures in my opinion - I see little use in the hospital or tech depot - these are only on a few maps - and do not usually play large parts in the game.


The basic ethic though is this: capture and defend any tech building - and do it quickly. You must send out dogs to protect your engineers and to defend the tech buildings from enemy engineers. Remember, tech buildings have more uses than just the ones they were created for - for example they allow you to build off them - so if you capture an airfield in the middle of an ore field [ e.g. South Pacific Map ] then it is a very good idea to build a refinery nect to it as this will boost your income considerably. Another tip - if you are the Soviets and you capture a nuke plant - why not sell it? This will give you extra credits which will help supplement the cost of the rhino tanks that are used for the average Soviet rush.


Summary: Protect any tech buildings that you may have with at least a pillbox/sentry gun. If your enemy manages to capture the tech buildings before you then you simply must destroy the tech buildings or capture them off him - if you allow him to keep the tech buildings then he will make extra income throughout the game which could prove vital. Tech buildings are important - so do not ingore them! - Capture and protect them; their benefits can be enough to turn a game in your favour in a lot of cases.


The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #4 - Scouting

Fact: a player who sits in his base and make no effort to scout is a poor player.

Pretty obvious statement you may think..but true - and the amount of people that I have played on WOL that just sit inside their base and wait for you is shocking - scouting is an integral part of the game - without it you don't know what your opponent is doing - which means your chances of winning are slightly higher than zilch. Some allied players think "Scouting? - nah - I just build a spysat instead" - that is a very bad attitude to take if you are planning on winning. In my opinion a good player should be able to get by without a spysat - in my opinion they are an "unnecessary luxury" - yes they are undoubtedly useful - but if a player knows the map that he is playing on, then he should be able to get by without one. So the purpose of this paragraph was to basically get it into your head that scouting is vital! - If you do not scout, you will not win under most circumstances. If a player scouts out your base and sees that you are just going to sit there and wait, then he could easily build 10 harvesters without you knowing! = imminent defeat. I know that this is all bread and butter to any good player reading this - but other, less skilled players, have to realise the importance of scouting.


There are a variety of ways to scout - obviously it is better to scout immeditely - one of the reasons for this is that it is far easier to uncover the shroud around an enemies base early on in the game than it is later on in the game. Another advantage of early scouting is that it allows you to see what type of a player you are playing - you can determine his style of play - aggressive, defense, tech-rush, engineer-rush etc. - and hence adjust your game plan accordingly.


The unit that you should use for scouting, without a doubt, is the dog - I suggest building 2 dogs to scout with (3 or 4 if there are a lot of oil derricks); approach the enemys base with these dogs in two different directions - that way one dog at the very least should be able to uncover your enemies base. If you are an allied player then you may consider using 3 GIs to scout as, once deployed, they have the aiblity to kill dogs - however they are nowehere near as fast or useful in tank battles (mentioned in Section 10.


It is quite simple to scout - but there are a few rules that will help:


In a game lobby look at the map (if it isn't a quickmatch game) - look at the red blocks - and remember the position of them.

On a 4 player map, assuming you are playing two player, the opponent always starts in the opposite corner.

Dont waste time uncovering all the map - just the sections en route to the enemies base.

Try your best to uncover the shroud - these quotes, both by very well known military geniuses, are both very relevant:

"To be successful, you must know your enemy as well as you know yourself" - Sun Tzu

"The army that fights in sight of its walls will lose" - Napolean

If you can see what your enemy is doing then you ae far better off. So it is vital to scout out an enemys base. Other units that can be used for scouting include the rocketeer and even the harrier/black eagle.. if you fail to scout then you leave yourself vulnerable to engineer rushes and many other tactics.

Summary: If you sit in your base then your chances of success are minimal - do not be afraid to scout - use any units you have in order to uncover the shroud. You simply have to know what your enemy is going to do in order to combat his actions and in order to plot your own attacks. Make sure you scout!

The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #5 - Build Speed and Orders

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Having a good build order is important; as is building quickly. If you place all structures on the ground as soon as they become available then you will have a minute advantage - minute yes, but still an advantage: Lets say that you are playing in a map with a tech building in the middle - whoever captures this tech building controls most of the map as a result; it is vital that you capture this building before your opponent - If your barracks is down a few seconds earlier than his as you have been placing your structures down as soon as they become availble then you will be able to get a dog/engineer to that building before him. - That example is just to show that building quickly can be important; if you hear "Structure complete" then go and place it somewhere - it takes a few seconds and allows you to carry on building - so always place structures down as soon as they become available - I know it will only give you the tiniest of advantages - buts its tiny advantages that often add up and result in you winning a game. To place your buildings down as quickly as you can I suggest placing your cursor where you want the building to be placed, and then, upon hearing "Structure ready to place" press Q - then the building will be placed down.


Whilst people do have differing build orders I would venture that this is the basic one that most players follow:


Powerplant » Barracks » Ore Refinery » War Factory » Radar/Air Force Command » Battle Lab

Some players do like to build radars/air force commands before war factorys - this is understandable if you are a nation such as the USA or Korea - but otherwise it's best to get a war factory up ASAP - especially if you are the Soviet player - as the whole theology of the Soviet game is based upon overtaking your opponent early on in the game and then using your superior tank power to defeat your opponent.

I always attempt to get my war factory up as soon as possible - for if I can get one more rhino tank built in the time it takes an opponent to build a radar, then I do have an advantage - as long as I use this advantage quickly.


In Section 2 I discussed the differences between building ore refineries and harvesters - if you are a Soviet player then you will in most cases build another refinery after you have build either your radar or your war factory; I usually (unless on a map with lots of gems and oil derricks) build another refinery after my war factory - as opposed to a radar; I think that if you have the ability to scout out the map and then look at it yourself, you don't have to buy a radar - obviously without one you cannot build you cannot gain access to your nations special unit/structure - yet I do not think this matters for the Soviet tank rusher - rushing is all about building as many units as possible in a short period of time. The basic build order should be:


Powerplant » Barracks » Refinery » War Factory » Refinery (Sell) » Refinery (Sell) » War Factory/AFC/Battle Lab

The Allied player should attempt to build his structures quickly particularly - as this allows him to get to high-tech; which means access to the mirage tank.. If an allied player builds sensibly then he should have a battle lab up within about six minutes - as the stereotypical Soviet tank rush occurs at around this moment in the game, its hard to balance building enough units in order to fend off the rush - but if balancing is done successfullly, then the Soviet player is in a lot of trouble.. Waiting until a point in the game when you have sufficient grizzly tanks to hold off an attack is when you should think about teching up.

Build orders are common sense really - for example; some people ask if it is worth to build the refinery before the barracks in order to start harvesting quickly.. - Whilst in some games it may actually be useful if the opponent doesnt attack quickly - it simply isn't worth the risk! - Your opponent could attack you and your game would be practically over - you would have to decide whether or not to cancel the construction of the refinery in order to allow you to build a barracks - if you then cancelled the construction of the refinery you would have wasted a lot of build time; so to sum that little lot up - build a barracks before your refinery.


I know that this section won't have been the most pulsating read for competent players as it does simpy deal with build orders and speed - something the competent player should know with ease...yet many people do muck up their chances of winning as a result of stupid build orders and building slowly...


Summary: Place structures down as soon as they are ready for doing so - and make sure that your build order is sensible and suited to the game - e.g. if you are playing a naval war game then make sure you build a naval yard before you build your war factory/radar. The basic message behind building well is : Don't build what you don't need or won't use.

The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #6 - Doing and stopping the rush

The rush - controversial, hated, loved - but commonly used; if not mastered, then you will never be more than average. Many, many people hate the rush completelely - but there is one common fact in these people (usually) - they are the ones at the receiving end of a rush. It is indeed possible to stop the rush - and many people make it their "mission" to stop rushers; I personally am a rusher - and not ashamed of it at all. Many people moan about how "any idiot can rush and win" - that is so, so wrong. It's no secret that the outstanding majority of the top players on the WOL ladder are rushers - especially the Soviet ones. In my experience the "average rush" should occur within eight minutes - at after roughly eight minutes, a good allied player will have built a battle lab hence enabling them to build mirage tanks. Rushing is an art - learning how to execute the perfect rush takes time - for it is a matter of using your resources extremely precisely and knowing what your enemy has waiting for you in his base. One of the most exciting types of games, in my opinion at least, is where two skilled rushers come head to head - for this is when the better player is proved by seeing what tactics they use apart from the basic tank rush. Many players think that rushing spoils the game - and they prefer to play in long games. Playing in long games may be enjoyable - but it isn't going to get you to the top of the ladder; or anywhere near it for that matter. To get a high position on the ladder - let's say 1000 - you need to play at least 25 games in a month - playing 25 games simply isn't possible for many players as they dont have enough time - well the way to get around that problem - to rush. Many of you currently reading this section may feel angry at the fact that I am suggesting that rushing is the only way to attain a high position in the ladder - I never said it was, because it isn't. Yes you can attain a high position in the ladder playing long games - but its gonna take you a hell of a long time. If you are defeating opponents in an average time of four to six minutes, then 25 games will take a few hours of play. My average victory using the classic soviet tank rush takes 3 - 8 minutes, depending on the skill of the opponent - if you are playing as soviets and are intending on using the rush, then it simply must be done within 8 minutes, for after then the allies gain much better units. Rushing is all or nothing - you chuck everything you have at the opponent in order to destroy them quickly and mercilessly. Rushing, contrary to popular opinion, is skilled - and the best way to achieve high ranks.


The rush is best done with the Soviets - there is absolutely no doubt about this. It is possible to rush with grizzly tanks - but the rhino tank is much more powerful and has a considerably larger health bar. The idea of rushing is a very, very simple one - but the execution of it is much more difficult. The maps most suited to the soviet rush are the smaller ones - as these allow for getting your tanks to the opponent quickly. Rushing is still possible on large maps (e.g. Hammer & Sickle) - it's just a lot harder..


Rushing is about balancing your economy and tank production - there are various routes to getting a group of tanks ready for attack - but one thing is vital when executing the rush; you must capture any oil derricks - if you secure them you have an immediate advantage over your opponent which could tip the scale in your favour. There are various options at the start when executing the rush - for example choosing whether to build harvesters before starting to pour out my personal opinion the perfect rush involves building tanks as soon as your war factory is built; if you need to increase your income then you should build additional ore refinerys - your war factory should be left for building tanks. However if you are an allied player executing the rush then you must juggle building additional ore refineries whilst eventually trying to build a battle lab. My basic build order when rushing (as Soviets) is like this:


Powerplant » Barracks » Refinery » War Factory » Refinery (Sell) » Refinery (Sell) » War Factory

I personally believe that it is possbile to play competently without a radar - as long as you are alert. If you save the money from a radar then you can afford at least another rhino tank - and in a rush every single tank is vital. Rushing is a matter of trying to make do with little luxuries on order to overcome your opponent with sheer power and brute force. It is best to know the state of your opponents situation before deciding on rushing - e.g. if you see him building 3 harvesters and no tanks then make sure you rush him quickly. Seeing the state of your enemys situation is important as it should affect everything you do if you are planning on rushing. Dont attack in little attacks when you have a couple of tanks available - wait until you have a group which you think capable of destroying your opponent - deciding when you do have enough tanks is a skill learned only with experience - knowing when to attack your enemy is indeed vital - deciding whether to wait for that extra tank to finish building could be the difference in getting to the base of an opponent playing as France before they put up a Grand Cannon.

Ultimately the decision of when to rush is up to you - it is a skill that does take experience to learn. Rushing is a skill that must be practiced and honed if ever to become useful - don't give up if you are still struggling to execute a good rush after a few games - it takes time to learn how to execute the rush properly - but when you do learn how to execute it, it is one hell of a useful skill.


Stopping the rush is a totally different matter - if you manage to build up a good economy and stop the enemies rush at the same time then you will be in the driving seat. If you are playing as Soviets againt a tank rusher then the best way to stop them is to build as many terror drones as possible before you are rushed - the only unit that that the Soviets have that is truly effective against the terror drone is the tesla trooper - and it is a fairly safe bet that a rusher will have little time or money to build groups of telsa troopers in order to combat the drones. If you build enough drones and manage to attack the group of tanks with them before they get too near your base then you will have an excellent chance of fending off the rush. It is no secret that the terror drone was originally intended for the allied forces - but Westwood gave the units to the soviets in order to balance the game..hence I think that the allied forces lacks a truly useful anti-tank unit early on in the game ( obviously the mirage tank is extremely effective but not available until you reach high-tech ). Hence the best way, in my opinion, to stop the soviet tank rush as the allies is to do the following: build 6 GI's, a radar as qickly as possible - and then a prism tower - if you build all of your structures close to each other then the prism tower will be able to cover the whole of your base - depending on the amount of tanks your enemy rushes you with you may wish to build another prism tower, yet I think it is better not to as the better player is the offensive player - not the defensive one. If you build units such as rocketeers/harriers/grizzly tanks then these units can be used for attacking the enemy once you have defended him - remember it is best to confront the enemy in your base as you will have the advantages of defensive structures to help you plus the ability to build units and use them immediately. To stop the rush you must know how many tanks the opponent will attack with - and adjust your defenses accordingly. Make sure that infantry are spread out ( skilled players will attempt to run over infantry ) - if you are the Soviets then you can build tesla troopers - not only are they highly effective against tanks but they cannot be run over by enemy tanks - making them an extremely useful tank deterrent. Basically if Soviets build tesla troopers and drones to protect yourself against enemy rushes - if allies build a mixture of GI's, grizzlys and rocketeers as well as a prism tower. A useful tip is also to place a pillbox / sentry gun down just when the enemys tanks enter your base - this will result in them all auto-firing at it and wasting a lot of shots; whilst your units can do damage.


Summary: Learning to rush skillfully takes time to learn - yet there is nothing more powerful and threatening than a rush by a skilled player - the rush is hated cause it is the downfall of the average player; learn it, use it, bask in its success.

The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #7 - Attacking

Attacking - an integral part of the game; you will find that the better player will be the one on the offensive, as opposed to the defensive. The player who is aggressive will win a game 9 times out of 10; if it is that little bit of aggression that allows a player to capture one oil derrick, then this, though a seemingly small advantage, could be enough to win them the game. A perfect example of attacking aggressively is to destroy the enemies harvesters; if an opponent has war miners that are a long distance from his base, and you throw your tanks at them - then your opponent has to decide whether or not to take his tanks out of the safety of his base, or to use them in an effort to save his warminers. - If a player successfully manages to cut off an ore field, as opposed to killing harvesters, then this could be enough to ruin an enemies economy - for example, many aggressive players will park a group of tanks on an ore field - hence cutting off the ore supply to their opponent - many, many players will simply not combat this - they will try to think of another way to get ore - a good player will combat the aforementioned - they will do whatever is neccessary to regain his ore supply - for without an income, the player is fighting a losing battle. A player has not to be scared of sending their troops out of their base into the open - as silly as it may seem, many of the poorer players are scared of leaving their base - they sit in there (so to speak), as they are simply too worried of fighting a battle without their prism towers/tesla coils to back them up. Attacking is about aggression - aggressive players are, in the outstanding majority of situations, successful players - you must however balance aggression with common sense - throwing ten rhinos at twenty rhinos isnt aggressive or daring - it's plain stupidity.


Attacking does involve risk - it's a matter of how good you are at calculating the risk that will decide on how good a player you are. If you can destroy an enemy tech building or a harvester then you immediately have an advantage - but you must make sure that your opponent doesn't respond - you have to study your opponent, you have to know your opponent and you have to try to read your opponents mind - if you can guess what your opponent is going to do next, then you can easily combat it. A good player always studies his opponents moves - and is always one step ahead. Strategy makes heavy use of the brain - you need a fast thinking, decisive and tactically aware one to function as a good player. Another rule to follow is to 'expect the unexpected' - a good opponent will, in many cases, do something totally against the run of the game - for example, you may both be throwing groups of rocketeers at each other, but the your opponent may build a nighthawk, fill it with engineers, and land it in the middle of your base and take all your structures over. *Tip* - If you ever hear a nighthawk then it means your opponent is most likely going to fill it with engineers and try to sneak it into your base - in most cases they will send the nighthawk around the edge of the map - to prevent you from seeing it - if you manage to destroy it with a group of engineers inside it, then your opponent has lost $3000 - and that is a lot of money.


To be a good player you must always attack - you must put your opponent on the back foot from the offset - and then make sure he stays on that back foot. Defending is very rarely the method used to win by a good player - very rarely indeed. If being aggressive and attacking means destroying one harvester or one tech building, then it could be enough to win you the game. Never be afraid to use your units in a win or lose attack - risk is a key factor of any good players game - all tactics involve risk - however it is often the more risky tactics that are used by a good player - war is about risk, war is about taking a chance - it is how well you can judge the risk factor involved with a manouvre, that will decide between the better player, and the average player.

The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #8 - Dealing with defense freaks

I'm sure its happened to the majority of you - you've encountered a player who goes for defense from the offset; in the oustanding majority of games this results in them losing - but a determined and skilled defensive player is a different thing altogether. The most common form of being defensive is known as "turtling" - when French players build grand cannons all around there base, and then back them up with various other defensives - but, there is no such thing as an undefeatable base - it make take time to destroy a large well defended base - but ultimately, it can be done. The key to winning against such opponents is to not lose your patience - remember, if you have control of the majority of the map, then it is you who has the advantage. Lots of players hate defensive players - personally, I don't mind them - if they want to try building a huge base then I say let them - people can do what they want as far as I'm concerned - providing it doesn't involve cheating; so don't flame defensive players - just wipe out that base instead!


Okay, so the basic defense freak will surround his base - or any entrance to it, with a combination of tesla coils/prism towers, sentry guns/pillboxes, flak cannons/patriots - and, if France, the Grand Cannon - if it was possible to build the undefeatable base - which it isn't, France would be the nation to use - I don't know how many of you have tried attacking a player with 3 or 4 grand cannons - it isn't easy - obviously I suggest rushing them before they get to this stage - but this is a different section, designed to teach you how to break through a heavily guarded base.


If you have superweapons on, then your task is comparitevly easy - simply send in a nuke or a weather storm on the opponents source of power and then attack him quickly; remember, defense freaks use a lot of power - if you knock out a few power plants then you will most likely knock all of his defenses offline. Also remember that to build a big base full of high-powered defensive structres costs a lot of credits - if you spend the equivalent on units you should have an impressive arsenal at your disposal. Now, time to tackle those cannons - there are a few tactics that can be used:


If you cannot manage to take a turtles power (French Player = turtle) then you must employ other tactics:

The key to destroying Grand Cannons is to a) Distract them b) Get your units as close to them as possible (this way the grand cannons minimumblast range will be too far)

Ways to distract grand cannons include sending in cheap units - e.g. dogs,gis,conscripts and then letting the cannons shoot at them while you roll your tanks in - remember, if you put a tank right at the base of the cannon, it will not be able to hit it..and other cannons may still fire at the unit - but if they do they will only damage the grand cannon as well.

Another tip is to build a harvester, or two, solely for the purpose of driving it in front of the enemy cannons - harvesters do take a while to be destroyed by grand cannons - and if you spend 1400 on one, it s probably more useful then spending 2000 on conscripts which will die instantly if the cannon fires anywhere near them.

Once you have the cannon destracted, move your tanks in quickly - fire at the cannon and then carry on doing the same to each cannon if necessary - the key is to break the opponent down gradually, bit by bit, piece by piece.


If you play against an opponent who has blockaded up the only entrance to their base (e.g. maps such as mount olympus) then things get a little complicated - I once played against a player who literally built tesla coils all the way across his entrance until it was blocked off (thats about 12 roughly); he then placed about 20 Yuris behind them - a nasty concotion yes; but I was Iraq and I loaded 5 desolators into a flak trak, drove it in front of the coils and then deployed all the desolators as soon as they were forced out of the vehicle - he lost a lot of infantry; so that is one such tactic that can be employed in such a situation.


The basic key to breaking anything down is strength - if you have lots of tanks then you will always victor - but against turtles and defense freaks you must alter the basic strategy of "throw everything you've got at em" - to "throw a little at them and then the rest".


Another extremely important method that is the most commonly used - is to "bleed your enemy dry" of income - if they have no harvesters or ore fields to harvest from then you will be able to dwarf their economy. I've discussed killing harvesters in the economy section - so go there if you didn't read it. A real problem is when a French player builds a base with an ore field in it - then you are in trouble - but ultimately, you have control of the map if they go defensive - so be aggressive and take out any units he has not in his base - then finish him off with a big attack ( do not attempt lots of small attacks ).


Summary: Don't ever lose your patience against a defense freak - do so and you're doomed - don't give up if u see a large amount of defense structures - if you control most of the map then you control the game - they are sitting in the base, waiting for you - remember that; you are the one who controls the game, you are the one who has the option to make the game whatever way you want it.

The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #9 Control Tips

Controlling your units is important - the ability to control your units well means that you may, with a smaller group of units, overcome a larger group of units controlled by a less skilled player. Some of the control tips that I am about to mention you will most likely know - others which are less well known, you may not..


Harrier/Black Eagle Scouting - Scouting with harriers? - Yes! - They are fast and have a good range of sight - the problem that you most frequently experience with them is telling them where to go all the time isn't it? - because with these units you can't use waypoints - but you can with harriers - this is how you do it; you click on waypoint mode and then set the waypoints on your radar screen - if you try doing it normally it wont work - this allows you to tell your harrier to scout all over the map extremely quickly - which means that you can get on with what you want and leave your plane to reveal the map - this really is an excellent way to scout.


Harrier/Black Eagle Kamikaze - A useful trick this one - to make your Black Eagle/Harrier hover over a building you just press ALT and LEFT CLICK - it will then hover over the building and the enemy air defenses (assuming they have them) will shoot the plane down and make it land on top of the building - this is really a very useful trick; planes do cause considerable damage when they land on top of buildings..try it out and see for yourself - all though it is a costly trick it can be deadly - allowing you to wipe out opponents bases in one swift attack.


Infantry Squasher - This is a very useful trick - allowing you to wipe out infantry very very quickly - to squash infantry with your tank press "alt + x" and then click on the desired unit to run over - your tank will squash it quickly with minimum of fuss..much quicker than trying to squash a unit manually or simply trying to shoot at them; remember that Tesla Troopers can not be squashed - yet this tactic really is useful - especially for Rhino tanks when they are up against groups of GI's..


Scatter Units - Press "X" to scatter a group of units (they must be selected) - this is useful if you want to scatter your units when they are being fired upon by V3's or a tank is about to squash them etc - also try using it just before a harrier/black eagle fires their missile at you - this manuovre will often cause the missile to miss your unit..


Advanced Waypoint Usage - Try selecting your units then selecting units/structures as waypoints - they will then go and destroy them in the order you selected..a good control tip as it decreases the amount of time spent on micro management..


Grouping - Grouping is a very important feature of the game - if you select various units to be put in a group then you can call upon that group at any time by simply pressing a single button - this is particulary important if you have groups of harriers/black eagles sitting in your base waiting to attack - by grouping them you can press one button then the control cursor will appear - this saves you a lot of time as you dont have to scroll back to your base then mess about trying to select them when you could easily select other units in the base by mistake as well..


Target Selection - When fighting your enemy, for example, in a huge tank battle, try not to use all your tanks to kill one of your opponents tanks, each tank only takes like 4 hits to kill it. There's no point in clicking 30 of your tanks on 1 of your enemy's tank cause and hence wasting 26 hits which could have killed around 6 of his tanks. So what you do is select around 3-4 of your tanks to kill 1 of his tanks and repeat this across the battle line. This way by the time hes killed 1 of your tanks you will have kill around 6 of his.


Distraction - When you are fighting your enemy tank to tank, a very useful trick is to use dogs as a distraction. What you do is build around 4-8 dogs depending on how big the tank battle will be, and put them at the front of your tanks. Just before you send your tanks in. Send in the dogs first - then quickly follow with your tanks. This will make the enemy tanks fire at the dogs while your tanks move in for the kill on his tanks. This also works even if you send in the dogs half way through a battle. You will find that tanks often have a tendency to fire at dogs.


Summary: Competent control is vital - good players know how to group their units and how to control them - try practicing grouping in co-ordination with some of the control tips that I have just mentioned.

The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #10 - Tank Tips

I was compelled to wite this section as the outstanding majority of games are decided in tank vs. tank battles - just driving your tanks in the direction of your opponents tanks and then hoping you will overcome your opponent is not a good attitude to take - anyone can build a large group of tanks quickly; but it takes a skillful player to know how to use them effectively - knowing how to use your tanks properly is vital - they are the most important attacking unit in the game - here are some of my tips:


Drive by shooting: In Red Alert 2 the "Drive By Shooting" is when you drive your tanks past your enemies tanks rather than head on into them - this means that your tanks will automatically target the enemy tanks as they drive past.. whilst the enemy tanks will all (unless the player is quick) end up chasing the tank at the front of the line.. allowing you to waste the enemy basically)


Now for some advice - send dogs towars the enemy tanks before you do this - it will waste a lot of their fire and make life a lot easier for you... the tactic isn't a good idea if they have a lot of dogs etc mixed up with their tanks.. also think about the possibility of driving around structures etc to prevent the enemy from hitting you (particularly useful if you've got a group of drones on your tail). Don't use the tactic in very confined spaces - or else it could backfire.. this tactic works from 2 tanks upwards.

Anti-Drone Tips: Apart from building and using other units (not what this section is about), the best way to combat drones with tanks is to run away from them! - Drone auto attack any enemy unit that comes in range.. hence if you send a decoy such as a dog and then run it across the path of your tanks then your tanks will shoot it to pieces - however, if an enemy sends a group of drones at you, the best thing to do is to immediately drive in the opposite direction; as tanks have turrets they are still able to shoot at the drones even if they are behind them.. if tanks are moving in the opposite direction to a drone then the drone will struggle to jump into the tank - and whilst it is struggling behind the tank it should get shot to pieces.. Another obvious tip if a drone does get in one of your tanks - force fire on that tank to kill the drone inside it.. otherwise it will keep hopping from tank to tank. Drones are a lot cheaper than tanks - yet they have the ability to shred them apart. You must keep an eye out for drones and use your tanks as I have just mentioned in order to stop them from wiping out a large number of your tanks. Another note; drones are slower on ore - hence if you drive your tanks over an ore field with the drones chasing you, they will be shot to pieces.

Distraction Tips: A vital part of any tank battle, is the use of 'decoy units' - if you fail to use decoy units then your opponent will have little problem in wiping out your force - especially if he is using decoy units. Decoy units should be any that you have and don't need - such as spare infantry units; the best infantry units to use in tank battles are dogs - they will attract a lot of the enemy tank fire hence allowing you to get in more shots than your opponent. Dogs can turn the tide of any tank battle - be it one tank versus one tank, or thirty tanks against each other. Another possiblity to consider (if you have surplus miners), is to throw your miners into an attack - they will, like dogs, attract enemy fire, and will be able to take a large amount of damage.


Grouping: If you are going to be in a large tank battle (lets say ten tanks or more), then an effective tip is to split your tank groups - I suggest splitting them into groups of five (numbers wise - not physically) - then once the tank battle starts you can order one group to attack a tank and another to attack another - this will save you from wasting shots by selecting all of your units.. it will also stop your units just randomly firing at tanks - as it is much better for concentrated fire upon one tank (resulting in destruction of this tank) than to take a few shots at every tank in a battle.


Attacking First: Lets say your opponents tanks are all huddled together in a group a small distance across the map from you.. he doesn't appear to want to attack.. well attacking first is better - for if you instigate a tank battle then you automatically take out the first few tanks that you ordered your units to take out.. so you already have an advantage.. your tanks will now keep on firing at the tanks at the front of his group whilst his tanks behind his first row or two will have to be ordered to come forwards..


Manouvres: Many players do not appreciate the fact that tanks can be split up and sent to attack in different directions.. lets say your opponent has one large group of tanks - you could split your tanks into a group of two and then attack his large group at both sides - this means that his tanks in the middle are doing nothing - until he tells them to; hence you have a few extra seconds in which to get those few vital kills. Other manouvres that are useful include the blocking up of small gaps - lets say, for example, that your opponent is about to send his force over a bridge or through a small canyon.. place your tanks at the entrance to the bridge/canyon - his tanks will not be able to attack all at once as the bridge/canyon is too small - hence your tanks will be able to destroy his with ease.. much better than allowing your opponent to drive through and use all his force at once.


Outnumbered: In a situation where you are outnumbered (by a large margin) - and there is absolutely no hope of victory, the only viable way to win a game is to attempt to destroy all of your opponents base; (unless the game was set up via a lobby and has last unit selected) - to do this you have to bypass his tanks.. so try driving them somewhere where his tanks cannot reach yours.. then go for his base. If he only has one base then this tactic may well work - however, if he has several bases scattered around the map then it will most likely not work - the opponent has to make the decision of whether he should destroy your base or attempt to get your tanks.. this tactic should only be used as a last resort..


Summary: Anybody can click on tanks and build them - good players know how to use them to their best advantge - tanks are what decide almost every game of Red Alert 2; if you don't know how to use them properly then practice - if you can't handle tanks, you will never be a great player.


The Ultimate Strategy Guide - #11 - Top Tactics


For this section I have selected some of the best tips from the Tip of the Day Archive :

The Tesla Trooper

The Tesla Trooper is an extremely useful unit - it is very powerful against tanks and, another advantage it has against tanks is the fact that it cannot be run over. Tesla troopers are available as soon as you get a soviets barracks - they are far more powerful than any unit that the allies can build at such an early stage of the game.


Try to keep tesla troopers in groups - they are easy prey for dogs etc if on their own; in small groups they can be devestating - sporting the ability to decimate tanks and structures alikes.


Tesla troopers are excellent units versus the terror drone - if your opponent builds a lot of terror drones then build a few tesla troopers - they will kill the drones with 1 tesla shot - which is very useful. Also, another tactic is to simply load them into a flak trak and to drive the flak trak into a group of terror drones - the tesla troopers will all pop out and cause hell.


Remember, the tesla trooper is a very powerful unit - and if you use it correctly then it will be very useful to you; keep them in small groups and they will be a threat to the enemy.

How to use Naval Units

On of the best features in Red Alert 2 is the expanded navies of each side. Many people in both tournament games and regular games overlook this feature and rely on land units when the navy can play a big influence. Some of the best maps that have a good mix of land and water and most players can hold their own, but when they get into a situation where you are on an island and land units are not involved. Players often find themselves "up the creek without a paddle."

My job here today is to tell you the best way to establish "naval supremacy."


#1 Allied Navy

On a all mostlty water map 2-3 destroyers will be suffiecient to start out with. When on a mix of water and land dont worry about destroyers(unless opponent is soviet then 3-5 is good) wait until you have a battle lab and then build 5 dolphins to start and then more as necessary. 5 dolphins can easily take out an enemy naval yard and stay hidden from the enemy. Only thing is make sure they stay out of range of prism tanks and longer ranged units. Once you have established your navy 5-10 dolphins and or 2-5 destroyers its time to punish your enemy start by building 2-4 crusiers depending on your enemies ( anymore is overkill) and then build 2-4 aircraft carriers and position the fleet outside the enemy base and beging the destruction. You can also have your destroyers pound land based units from outside their range(i.e. tanks and dogs) to infiltrate engineers and taynas.

*be sure to leave fleet outside the range of land based units.

**when playing allies vs. allies leave 2-5 dolphins or a destoyer to protect from tayna's.

***when playing allies vs. soviet leave dolphins around surface ships to protect from squids

#2 Soviet Navy


First begin with 2-4 subs for scouting then build a few more for a total of 4-6, then build 4-6 sea scorpions for air protection.

Subs are good agains dolphins but not as good against destroyers inless in packs of 2-4 subs. Once you have about 6+ subs and a few sea scorpions make the initial attact on his navy. Add a few squids to harras surface ships, once you beat his navy or cripple it send in 3-6 dreadnoughts to finish his base off. By this time they should surrender or be elimiated by a land assult.

* subs are not good against dolphins(need hi sub to dolphin ratio)

** use subs and sea scorps to guard agaist taynas

*** use squids to take out enemy destroyers


Hopefully this will improve your naval tactics

Nighthawk - yes it IS useful!

The nighthawk is an underestimated unit in my opinion - whilst its effectiveness depends solely upon the game situation it is still a very versatile unit; best used for dropping units as near to an enemy base as possible, and then causing havoc - there are various combinations of infantry that you can put in nighthawks - for example, many people simply put in 5 engineers - why not add a dog or a tanya? - They will kill any infantry in the base (usually) and hence protect your engineers - also don't just leave the nighthawk sitting there once you've unloaded your engineers - it does have a gun - albeit very crap to put it bascically - yet it is still very useful for taking out infantry units


When moving your nighthawk about you should follow some basic rules; always try and fly it where your opponent will not be looking - remember, they are invisible to enemy radar - which is why they are so useful - but they are noisy and easy to spot - so try moving them around the edges of the map - then the chances of your opponent seeing them are minimal; try using waypoints to do this as it will save you some time..


A nighthawk engineer rush is risky - if it gets shot down with the infantry in it then you can lose up to $3000 in one go - and that's a lot of money..when building your nighthawk and loading your troops onto it, you should try to make sure that the enemy can't see you - e.g. use a gap generator or put it somewhere where your enemy can't see - a nighthawk rush is risky - but can be very very useful - especially in stalemate games - if you manage to capture some of the enemy buildings then try building your own next to them - e.g. grand cannon, barracks, prism tower, etc


The above isn't useful in short, quick tournament games really - its better for a late game situation - as if you try in early on and fail, you will have very little money - and will more than likely be obliterated..


How to use Terror Drones properly.


Terror Drones are proberly one of the most useful units in RA2. They can be used for lots and lots of things.




SCOUTING: Scouting is pretty easy with Terror Drones, although they dont uncover as much of the land when moved, they are very fast and will uncover the land very fast anyway. You must also look out for the strength of Terror Drones, they are very weak and can be killed easily with fine gunned units e.g sentry gun, GI, War Miner and much more. They are also very good for getting crates, they will to them very fast.


HOW TO DRONE A WAR MINER: One of the easiest ways to drone a War Miner is to wait until it docking in the refinery to unload its ore. When this is happening the guns on the Miner is inactive and he will have no why of stopping the drone, unless he has Sentry Guns or defenses. (This works best at the start of a game when your opponent has little defense) Also never ever try drone a Miner whens its on ore as the Terror Drones slow down on it, this gives the miner and easy shot.


TERROR DRONES IN FLAKS: Terror Drones in flaks are very useful. All you do is fill a Flak with Terror Drones and drive it into the enemy tanks, when the flak is killed all the drones will drop out of the flak and land right next the enemy tanks. This is when they jump in the tanks and cause havoc.


TERROR DRONES KILLS DESOLATOR: Terror Drones can kill Desolators without even getting damaged. So if you have a big pile of troops and tanks in the middle of the map trying to hold your position and you see your enemy sending Desolators to try kill them. Dont worry, just have some drones as backup and those Desolators will not be a problem. Terror Drones can also not be taken by Yuri's.

Tanya + IFV + Bridges

Here is a very useful tip when using Tanya’s and IFV’s on maps with bridges, e.g. Hammer and the Sickle.


What you do is put a Tanya in an IFV so your opponent will probably think that it’s just a GI man in the IFV. Then just before he crosses the bridge with his units get your very fast IFV there at the bridges hut (the part where you can repair the bridge) and wait till most of his tanks are on the bridge and coming, then just eject the Tanya from the IFV and blow the bridge, BAM all tanks sink to the bottom of the ocean.

US Paradrop Tactics

Paradrops are very powerful; if used correctly; if you manage to deploy 8 GI's then they will easily kill any dogs that may be sent at them - but if there are dogs underneath them when they land, then they will be killed in a matter of seconds - so the thing to do is to make sure that you drop them away from enemy dogs/pillboxes - try to drop them somewhere conspicous - but make sure at the same time, that they aren't too far away from your enemys base - if you manage to get into an enemies base you must aim to get one of your paratroopers to become an Elite - do this by destrpying an ore refinery or another important building - then destroy the barracks and the power source; then destroy any war factorys and so forth..


Paratroopers can also be used to plug gaps in the map; they are escpecially useful for this if your opponent has you cornered in your base - if you think carefully about where to drop and what to do with your paratroopers then you will have a large chance of causing serious damage in the enemies base - you have to make sure that you don't just carelessly order them to land anywhere - 8 deployed GI's are a big threat - and when in an enemies base they are an even grater threat.


Many players paradrop all their GI's into one big group - and then attack. Don't do this! - The idea of paradrops is to cause unexpected chaos - they are for surprise attacks behind enemy lines; if your enemy sees you building a large group of GI's from a paradrop then he will simply counter it...


Paradrops are also useful for destroying an enemies economy - but not so much the soviets - as war miners easily handle paradrops - if you drop a group of paratroopers on an ore field that an allied opponent is using then you will force him to take action; he will have to mount an attack in order to regain control of the ore field - remember, red alert 2 isn't just about attacking the enemies base - it can be about wearing them down bit by bit - and paratroopers are an excellent tool for this...