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For a chart on the current price of gold, click here.

Dr. Gary North passed away on February 24, 2022.

His obituary, written by a close family friend, is here: Gary North, RIP.

A memorial service was held for Dr. Gary North on March 26; here is a link to the recording of the livestream.

Dr. Gary North Memorial Service

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Advertising - You Could Do This if You Had the Skill. The Skill Is Worth Getting.
Gary North

I received a spam letter that is actually worth something. You can steal it.... keep reading

Budgeting for Wealth - Procrastination Kills. If You Have Not Taken This Step, You Are Still in Denial.
Gary North

This is one of the basics, yet people refuse to implement it. The longer they wait, the more it costs them.... keep reading

Insurance - Emergency Fund: How Much Money?
Gary North

My recommended strategy is different.... keep reading

Advertising - You Could Do This if You Had the Skill. The Skill Is Worth Getting.
Gary North

I received a spam letter that is actually worth something. You can steal it.... keep reading

Budgeting for Wealth - Procrastination Kills. If You Have Not Taken This Step, You Are Still in Denial.
Gary North

This is one of the basics, yet people refuse to implement it. The longer they wait, the more it costs them.... keep reading

Insurance - Emergency Fund: How Much Money?
Gary North

My recommended strategy is different.... keep reading

History Revisionism - What Is a USP? Why Do You Need One to Move Either Up or Out?
Gary North

I need to return to this theme, because new site members have not read about it, and old site members tend to procrastinate.... keep reading

Job and Calling - What Is a USP? Why Do You Need One to Move Either Up or Out?
Gary North

I need to return to this theme, because new site members have not read about it, and old site members tend to procrastinate.... keep reading

Inheritance Strategies - Procrastination and Paralysis
Gary North

When you know what you need to do, do it now. Don't assume that you can do it later.... keep reading

Career Advancement - Peak Trust: We're on the Down Side of the Curve
Gary North

This is going to make economic recovery more expensive.... keep reading

Investment Basics - Faber's Warning: Dow at 700
Gary North

If the Dow falls to 700, what happens to cash?... keep reading

Fireproof Your Job - Indispensability vs. Outsourcing
Gary North

Becoming an independent contractor has its problems. Here is a huge one.... keep reading

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