NWelcome to the neighborhood!
Editors Wanted: Become a Neighborhoodr Editor
Being a Neighborhoodr editor is easy: you can republish whatever you’d like about your neighborhood from your own blog, or you can reblog or link out to your favorite local news outlets. We only ask that...

Editors Wanted: Become a Neighborhoodr Editor

Being a Neighborhoodr editor is easy: you can republish whatever you’d like about your neighborhood from your own blog, or you can reblog or link out to your favorite local news outlets. We only ask that you please be mindful of the the people following the blog by spreading out posts using the queue and keeping the conversation on topic. There’s no commitment, and usually there are multiple editors per neighborhood to keep content fresh and colorful.

If you’re interested in learning more, please email hi@neighborhoodr.com for more information.

Richard & Anthony

Co-founders of Neighborhoodr.com

  10AM, Mar 15 2011
Comments 295 notes

 About Neighborhoodr
 Neighborhoodr is a local neighborhood blog network where anyone can quickly and easily post about what's happening in their neighborhood without having to log in or register.

Have news you'd like to share about your neighborhood? Just use the share buttons along the top of the page.

Interested in becoming an editor for this blog? Email us at hi@neighborhoodr.com for more information.