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Shifting focus on workplace design helps PDR maintain fast growth rate

 –  Assistant managing editor, Houston Business Journal

Even though PDR Corp. has been in business for more than three decades, the workplace consulting, design and architecture firm maintains a fast growth rate.

The Houston-based firm was founded in 1977 and this year made Houston Business Journal’s Fast 100 list, which ranks local private companies by revenue growth from 2010 to 2012.

PDR President and Partner Lauri Goodman Lampson attributes much of the company's success to a shift in how clients view the workplace.

"Corporations around the globe have shifted their approach to workplace to focus on improving human performance at work," Goodman Lampson told HBJ. "This shift continues to gain momentum and plays right into our core business of workplace consulting, design and architecture. On top of the global phenomenon, being based in Houston gives us access to large organizations and great demand for our services."

Irving, Texas-based Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE: XOM) is one of those large clients. PDR is working on Exxon's 385-acre Springwoods Village campus, which is currently under construction.

PDR, which is led by Chairman Drew Patton, also ranks among the largest Houston-area architecture firms, taking the No. 9 spot on HBJ’s 2012 list with nearly $13 million in 2011 local gross billings. At the time, the company reported 80 local employees.

The firm hired its 100th employee this past spring, and it reports that figure has increased to 110 as of June 30.

It’s still a secret where PDR and the other 99 private companies rank on the Houston Fast 100 list this year, but the final results will be revealed at our Sept. 6 event.

And we'll introduce you to all the Fast 100 companies day by day up until the event. Continue to follow our various Fast 100 blogs every day at, and click here to see all the 2013 Fast 100 blogs.