Experience the vibrant klezmer sounds of Klezmofobia

"Schlomo Ben Avram"
Music: Nussbaum / Klezmofobia
Video: Feedback Film

Music that Transcends Boundaries

Discover the captivating music of Klezmofobia, an award-winning band that has captivated audiences around the world. With their unique blend of klezmer, rock, jazz, and world music influences, Klezmofobia creates an unforgettable musical experience. Explore their discography and international collaborations and join us on a journey through the rich tapestry of global music.



Tiger Music, 2012.

Ganze Velt

Tiger Music, 2009.


Tiger Music, 2006

New singles are out now!

Listen to Ugorskij Klezmer and Liebe Mame from our upcoming album "Biz 120". Read more here.