Saturday, July 21, 2012

Postcards coming soon!

We have many summer activities going on - all starting with KulturSYDhavn! 

You can see some of them here and be sure to check out or illutron on Facebook for more information. 

KulturSYDhavn (August 3 – 5)

KulturSYDhavn is our annual festival, in collaboration with Kulturhavn and other partners including the Børnekulturstedet Karens Minde, Kbh Projekthus, AFUK, Kongens Enghave Lokalhistorisk, and others. Experience many installations, join in a treasure hunt for the entire family, and explore the ship illutron!

We have many activities throughout the summer including:

  • Sinking Ship Kraka: An old wooden boat. Sunken on the bottom of the harbour. Open the valves, let in the air, and bring it back to the surface – For a little while. Until it slowly sinks again.
  • Underwater ROV: A little robot (Remote Operated Vehicle) with incredible underwater vision is released into the harbour, to explore the depths below.
  • Create your city – new harbour life: In collaboration with Københavns Kommune, we experiment with making the water of the Copenhagen Harbour more accessible and usable to the public.
  • Ønskekanal – The wish canal: a community event held in Sluseholmen. An all day BBQand family gathering will lead up to a beautiful evening – where you assemble small electronics which will glow, casting your wish for the harbour into the canals of Sluseholmen.
  • Giant CNC: illutron is building a huge machine which can cut and mill wood and metal.

Visit it onboard illutron!

  • Electrolumen: The lamp post on our upper deck is for you to play with – explore electricity and interactivity in this intriguing installation.
  • Hydrophonic Soundscapes: A beautiful project exploring sounds and lights in the harbour.
  • Kunstkopf: A giant underwater head which can hear underwater and share the sounds with you.
  • Self-Guided Tours: illutron offers you the chance to take a self-guided tour of our ship. You can read about each project and the history of the ship with the signs we’ve provided. Enjoy our free wifi and help yourself to a coffee in our cafe!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Børnekulturstedet Karens Minde at KulturSYDhavn 2012

Her kommer lidt om kranballetten fra Børnekulturstedet Karens Minde:

Kranballetten er en forestilling med en danser og en bobcat. Det en poetisk og absurd skildring af mødet mellem menneske og maskine. Forestillingen er en familieforestilling, som kan ses af alle fra 0-99 år. Den er ca. 15 minutter og vil efter hver forestilling blive efterfulgt af en workshop, hvor børn kan få lov at prøve nogle af de bevægelser, der er brugt og selv danse med maskinen. Vi håber, at kunne vække interesse for at se og danse moderne dans hos publikum - og især børnene.  Forestillingen spiller fredag d. 3. august kl. 16.00 og kl. 17.30 samt lørdag d. 4. august kl. 13.00 og kl. 14.30 på pladsen på Teglholms Østkaj ud for Illutron.

Og lidt om fortællevæggen:

 er en væg, hvor besøgende på Kulturhavn selv kan bidrage til fortællingen om Sydhavnen ved at plotte deres yndlingssted ind på et fysisk opstillet kort over Sydhavnen og fortælle i ord/billeder/collage om stedet. Man kan således skrive, klippe eller finde billeder af sit yndlingssted i en workshop på havnen, hvor vi har et par mand introducere workshoppen. Alle er velkomne til at bidrage med en historie, men man kan også bare læse de andres og blive inspireret til at gå på opdagelse i Sydhavnen. Fortællevæggen er på Kulturhavn lørdag d. 4. august og søndag d. 5. august i/ved containeren på pladsen foran Illutron på Teglholmens Østkaj. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

KulturSYDhavn 2012 is coming soon!

KulturSYDhavn 2012 is gearing up to go!

After a great meeting with the different partners of Kulturhavn this year, we are happy to announce that KulturSYDhavn (Kulturhavn IN Sydhavnen!) will be a busy place this year with participants from AFUK, KPH Projects, the Sydhvan historic society, Karens Minde Kulturhus and many more. All the activity will be situated on the quay outside the illutron barge.

illutron is excited to present activities and workshops for the whole family including:

Fire Workshop: Learn about, and play with fire! For small children to adults, we have done this workshop many times and are happy to provide it again. Participants learn fire safety, how to make fire, and how to create fire from electricity. A little bit science, a little bit safety, and a whole lot of fun!

Treasure Hunt on the illutron barge: The barge holds many secrets and you're invited to find them all in our treasure hunt. Running all day every day, visitors can explore the hidden compartments and discover the secret tales of the barge's history.

Underwater ROV: An amazing project, a little underwater robot which has a camera in it so visitors can drive it around under the water, and discover the world below.

Can it float or will it sink?: An intriguing workshop exploring the principles Archimedes discovered in his bathtub!

We're very excited to start work on this year's Kulturhavn and we would love for you to be a part of it. Please email us and tell us what you think would be fun or how you would like to participate!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thank you for a fabulous KulturSYDhavn!

We had a great time doing Remixing the Physical (3 weeks of workshops) and KulturSYDhavn! Thank you to everyone who visited the barge and participated in all the weeks of workshops and fun that we had.

Here's a short video recapping some of the fun!

Hope to see you onboard illutron soon...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hyrdophone Workshop Friday: 17-20, Saturday 13-16

Hydrophone is an underwater microphone. You can hear fish talk, boats from 400m distance, whales singing or whatever sounds underwater.

In practical the hydrophone is a piezo transducer with a preamp inside a waterproof case with a little air gap. The cases we are using are just everyday tupperware - waterproof boxes, or tobacco boxes, etc.

On friday at 17:00 we will build a preamp. This is all simple
soldering - if you haven't soldered before - you will learn it now!

After that we will close the box, and have some tests. Saturday is an
extra day in case we are not ready on friday.

What will you need:

- a waterproof case, such as a metal box, stiff plastic box, etc.
Something that doesn't break and is possible to close.
- bring soldering tools if you have
- cables as long ones as you want the hydrophone to dive
- 50-200 kr for cables and little electronics (will be more exact sum closer the weekend)

What you won't need:

- any previous experience in technics or soldering

Workshop runs on friday 5.8. 17-20
Saturday 6.8. 13-16

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fire for Africa! (illutron partners with BetterNow)

You want fire, kids need food. illutron, in partnership with Magic Mama has the solution: donate to get fire! During the entire weekend of KulturSYDhavn you can donate and get the opportunity to set off our fire cannon! For every massive fire explosion, more and more children in Africa will get much needed food. You can donate here: and print your receipt (or show us it on your phone) and we'll give you the big red 'fire' button to press!

Magic Mama is a creative and open minded collective in Copenhagen's inner city who make many cultural events.

Ildkanon skaffer mad til de sultende i Afrika.
Kollektivet Magic Mama står sammen med illutron bag en indsamling til fordel for de sultende på Afrikas Horn. Besøgende kan donere 100 kr. og derved få lov at trykke en kæmpe ildkanon af. På den måde får du ild og børn i Afrika får mad!

Du kan sikre din ret til at fyre ildkanonen af ved at donere på dette link:

Print din kvittering og medbring den til arrangementet. Magic Mama er et kreativt og frisindet kollektiv i Indre By, der bl.a. arrangerer forskellige kulturelle arrangementer.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

What's happening next weekend...

During KulturYhavn, we'll have a lot going on onboard illutron. Much of it will be ongoing projects as people geek away on their creations, and some will be finished projects being shown off, and some will be workshops where you can join in and try something new!

Some of the installations include (in Danish below):

- Giant firecannon making huge fire balls in the sky
- SOS: Self Operational System (Self propelling/directional boat that navigates via gps)
- The Complexicator (A tiny noise machine)
- Propane Photo Booth - need we say more?
- Scraper Bike - A persistance of vision pimped bike with synthesizer
- The Grey Whale - a water cannon hidden in the water
- 1 ton industrial robot who wants to play with you
- Ears under water - Hydrophones - underwater microphones
- Biometric Social Interaction - come and play with your bio-signals (heart rate and galvanic skin response)
- Guided tours aboard illutron discussing the history of the ship and of the art collective
- The Marble Track from Denmarks first DIY-Laboratory, Labitat
- And...of course, many more...

- Kæmpe ildkanon der laver store ildkugler i luften
- SOS: Self Operational System (Selvstændig båd, der navigerer via gps)
-The Complexicator (En lille noise maskine)
- Propane photo booth (Smartphone, der bruger en ildkanon som flash, når den tager billeder).
- Scraper Bike (POV pimped version af en scraper bike med synthesizer effekter i sæde og stel)
- The grey whale (Springvand, der skyder vandstråler højt i vejret)
- Robot (1 tons tung pensioneret industrirobot bygget om til en CNC maskine)
- Ører under vand: Hydrofoner (undervandsmikrofoner)
- Biometric Social Interaction, udforsk kroppens biologiske signaler
- Rundvisning på skibet hvor man lære om historie om skibet og illutron
- “Marbletrack”: En store maskin af Danmarks første åbne Gør-Det-Selv laboratorium, Labitat
- Og mange flere...

A sneak peak of the Marble Track: