Fourth Century Rome – A`New Model’ Army Part II

Armies Roman 16 Min Read

The army took recruits wherever it could get them, and there are clear signs that many people went to drastic lengths to avoid service. In real terms army pay was of less value than it had been in the first and second centuries, while discipline and punishment remained brutal. Repeated laws punished the practice of self-mutilation to avoid being conscripted…

Military history since 2008. Founded by MSW.
Referenced by West Point, Wikipedia, Army University Press (, Library of Congress (, Encyclopedia Britannica and more.


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Ivan III, the First Czar I

Ivan III tearing the khan’s letter to pieces, an apocryphal 19th-century painting by Aleksey Kivshenko. The messengers turned back. They…

Japan and Western Technology

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English Specialist archers originating in Wales in medieval times Tod’s Workshop You Tube An old Scottish saying dictates that, “Every…

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