Invocation Before Reading

Dear Heavenly Father, I entreat Thee to graciously bestow upon me Thy heavenly blessing. Purify my thoughts and actions so that they may be guided and directed by Thy divine wisdom. Believing that all things are possible in Thy Name, I beseech Thee in all humility to fill my whole being with love, compassion and understanding for all those who come my way.

The Path of Samekh, Temperance

The Path of Samekh, Temperance, leads from Yesod to Tiphareth, from the Moon to the Sun, from the Personality to the Higher Self. It is among the most important and difficult Paths of the entire Tree, and one on which the very enormity of the Great Work may be experienced. It has been called a Path which is the Dark Night of the Soul, a Path on which one enters a deep tunnel in the belief that the Light is to be found at the end of it.

The Path Of Zain, The Lovers

The Path of Zain, The Lovers, between Binah and Tiphareth, connects the pure consciousness from which form emerged with the central point of all manifestation, a complexity which can barely be suggested by the image on a Tarot card. It is perhaps for this reason that the design of the card has changed over the centuries. In most of the earliest versions, such as the Marseilles Tarot, it was called The Lover and showed a man between two women, above whom was a cupid with a posed arrow.

The Path of Nun, Death

The Path of Nun, Death, is one of the three Paths leading from the Personality to the Higher Self. As a preface to its study one may usefully consider comments by Case and Crowley. Yet no person learns it until he is truly prepared, and more than anything else, this means such ethical preparation that no temptation to misuse this power could ever be sufficient to turn the knower from the path of strictly constructive and beneficent application of the force he is able to control.

Dreaming Tarot

Do you ever dream of tarot You might dream of specific cards, doing readings, having readings done for you, or even of being a character from the tarot The Fool, or The Hermit, or the Queen of Wands. These dreams can have great meaning, and you should reflect on them as you would on the cards themselves, and take heed of their messages. These dream tarot readings come directly from your subconscious, and have true significance.Recently I had an intriguing dream involving three cards.

By Paul F Case

THE Tarot is a pack of cards of unknown origin, which has been in circulation throughout Europe for at least five centuries, and perhaps much longer. In the tap-rooms of village inns here and there on the Continent it is still shuffled and dealt in quaint old games long since forgotten by the rest of the world. Fortunetellers also hold it in high esteem, from Gypsies who read the cards for a shilling, to professors of occult arts whose fees are in keeping with their elaborate establishments and...

The Empress

In the centre there is a woman crowned with twelve stars 1 2 3 , which represents the 12 zodiacal signs, the 12 doors of the Holy City the 12 keys of Basil Valentine, the 12 worlds of the Solar System of Ors. Upon her head there is a vessel, and arising from it a Serpent, symbol of Mastery indicating that she is arisen. In her right hand is the Staff of Power, and with her left she reaches out to the dove which represents the Holy Spirit. Her apparel is Solar, all indicating that she is the...

The Lesser Banishing Ritual Of The Hexagram

Hexagram Elements Banishing

1 Perform the Relaxation Ritual or take Ritual Bath. 3 Stand in the east and perforrruthe Qabalistic Cross. 4 Still facing the east in your temple space, spread arms out in the shape of a Tau Cross. You may use your right index finger or a favorite ritual wand held in the right hand to trace the prescribed figures. 5 Trace the banishing hexagram of Fire. Imagine it drawn in a flaming golden light. In the center of the figure, thrust forward with the wand or index finger as described in the...

The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot

I read with the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot all the time. I ask it simple one card questions, as well as questions about complex issues. It helps remind me of a deeper spiritual path, and keeps me feeling in touch with my ancestors, and the spirit (or Other) world. This deck has been with me for about six years now. I found it quite by accident (if you believe in accidents) at a used bookstore, when I was first feeling drawn to Vodoun (Voodoo).

The Goddess Tarot

The Goddess Tarot is a traditional format tarot in that it has twenty-two Major Arcana cards and four suits, including court cards. Card meanings derive from traditional interpretations, and the deck works well in all sorts of spreads. It differs from the more traditional tarot because it specifically celebrates the Divine Feminine and honors goddesses from around the world. Every Major Arcana card is represented by a goddess, and most of the cards feature women.

The Thirteenth Key the th Path

The 13th Key of Tarot represents a figure of a skeleton, upon which some portions of flesh still remain. In a field he is reaping off with the Scythe of Death the fresh vegetation which springs from the corrupting bodies buried therein fragments of which, such as hands, heads and feet appear above the soil. One of the heads wears a kingly crown another is apparently that of a person of little note, showing that Death is the equalizer of all conditions. The five extremities, the head, hands and...

The Initiation Of Tiphereth

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale s belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth. Matthew 12. 40 With Tiphereth extraordinary events happen an Initiate can receive the Initiation of Malchuth, that of Jesod, of Hod, and of Netzach and finally, the fifth, that of Tiphereth, when he becomes a Master. One may however, receive the fifth Initiation of the Human Soul, and thus becoming a Master nonetheless not attain the Initiation of...

Dedicated To The Members Of Wheels

A forum one can learn about Gann and other famous market forecasters. Gerard Encausse, b. 1865 d. 1916 THE Tarot pack of cards, transmitted by the Gypsies from generation. to generation, is the primitive book of ancient initiation. This has been clearly demonstrated by Guillaume Postel, Court de Gebelin, Etteila, Eliphas Levi, and J. A. Vaillant. The key to its construction and application has not yet been revealed, so far as I know. I therefore wished to fill up this deficiency by supplying...

The Fourth Path In Kabbalah

SIGN Aries Cardinal Fire ESOTERIC TITLE Sun of the Morning, Chief Among the Mighty. THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Fifteenth Path is the Constituting Intelligence, so called because it constitutes the substance of creation in pure darkness, and men have spoken of these contemplations it is that darkness spoken of in Scripture, Job xxxviii.9. and thick darkness a swaddling band for it. The higher we rise on the Tree of Life, the more obvious it becomes that the Tarot trumps only point the way...

What Path On The Tree Of Life Is The Justice Card

Tree Life Kabbalah Tarot Pathways

ESOTERIC TITLE The Daughter of the Lords of Truth the Ruler of the Balance. THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Twenty-second Path is the Faithful Intelligence, and is so called because by it spiritual virtues are increased, and all dwellers on earth are nearly under its shadow. The Path of Lamed, JUSTICE is between Tiphareth and Geburah. Lamed means ox-goad, the spear-like prod which keeps the ox moving down the road. This attribution points to the letter's special relationship with Aleph ox on...

Tarot Pathworking

Tree Life Kabbalah Tarot

Practical work with the archetypes of the Tarot is essentially a matter of using the imagination. It may well be that first efforts are barren or subjective, or appear to be. Persistent use will sooner or later demonstrate that through the use of the imagination, a new sense of perception is being developed, that opens upon an objective world or worlds other than the physical. There are various means of training and using the imagination in this way but essentially they embody the same process....

The Four Tens The Four Princesses

Symbols The Altar of the Double Cube, The Equal Armed Cross, The Mystic Circle, The Triangle of Art, Heh Final. Colors Citrine, Olive, Russet, Black And from the rays of this Triad Netzach, Hod, Yesod there appear three colours in Malkuth together with a fourth which is their synthesis. Thus from the orange tawny of Hod and the green nature of Netzach there goeth forth a certain greenish citrine colour, yet pure and translucent withal. From the orange tawny of Hod mingled with the puce of Yesod...

The Four Sixes The Four Princes

Tree Life Planets

Consciousness of the Higher Self and of the Greater Masters The Vision of the Harmony of Things Symbols The Calvary Cross, the Rose Cross, the Truncated Pyramid, the Cube, Vau. Planet The Sun Color Yellow In Kether is the Radix of a Golden Glory and thence is there a pure, primitive and sparkling, gleaming golden yellow which is reflected into Tiphareth. This is the first reflected Triad completed. And the sphere of its operation is that of Shemesh, the Solar Light, and bestoweth Life, Light...

Fifteenth Card Of The Tarot

In every cosmogony the Devil represents the mysterious astral force, the origin of which is revealed to us by the hieroglyphic of Samech. But a little attentive consideration of the symbol will show us that it contains several of the details which we have already seen in other figures of the Tarot, but under a different aspect. If we place the Juggler by the side of the Devil we shall see that the arms of the two personages are using the same gesture, but in an inverse sense.

Correspondence Between The Primitive Italian Packs And The

The Sun 19 The Foolish Man The Star If, however, the existence of purely Egyptian symbols in these so-called Italian Tarots do not convince the reader, a few words on the transformation of the Tarot in the East, and in other countries of Europe besides Italy, will completely enlighten him on the subject. In spite of Merlin's assertions, the Tarot represents the summary of the scientific knowledge of the ancients. This is unquestionably proved by Chatto's researches amongst Orientals on this...

The Sephiroth

The Ten Sephiroth of universal vibration emanate from Am Soph, which is the Microcosmic Star which guides our interior. The Real Being of our Being. There are in reality twelve Sephiroth which can be spoken of Ain Soph is the eleventh, and its tenebrous antithesis, the abyss, is Sephiroth number twelve. There are 12 spheres or universal regions which penetrate and interpenetrate each other without confusion. The 12 spheres gravitate in the central atom of the sign of the infinite. In those 12...

The Tarot: A Fortune Jigsaw Puzzle

The Tarot jigsaw puzzle is fun, smart, and truly unique. Using more than 1,000 pieces, the completed puzzle becomes a layout sheet for a tarot reading - an adapted Celtic Cross, decorated with beautiful, mystical artwork, and highlighted with lines of text. A set of Major Arcana cards, made from the same cardstock as the puzzle pieces, is provided.

The Wise Woman's Tarot

By Flash Silvermoon, illustrated by Barbara VogelThe Wise Woman's Tarot is described as a matriarchal set, or specifically as a multicultural, matriarchal, magical mystery tour. It certainly is this. Flash Silvermoon writes with passion about a women's spiritual lineage, and the research she has done on a large variety of cultures is apparent in her retelling of myths and stories.

The Odes of Solomon

The Odes of Solomon is a collection of what many believe to be very early Christian Hymns numbering 42 Odes of which 41 Odes still survive. Most scholars agree the Odes of Solomon were composed no later than the middle of the 2nd century (200 AD) however, many scholars believe they date to the end of the 1 century AD (100AD). In either case the Odes of Solomon predate the formation of the official Roman State sponsored religion that came to be known as Christianity.

The Path Of Resh The Sun

Path The Kabbalah

DOUBLE LETTER Fertility-Barrenness ESOTERIC TITLE The Lord of the Fire of the World THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Thirtieth Path is the Collecting Intelligence and is so-called because Astrologers deduce from it the judgment of the Stars, and of the celestial signs, and the perfections of their science, according to the rules of their resolutions. The Path of Resh connects Hod Splendor with Yesod the Foundation , and is the first of the Paths of the Personality triad to be encountered in...

Tarot On The Tree Of Life

Another important aspect of the Hebrew alphabet that has great significance is its three-fold division. The twenty-two letters are separated into the Three Mother Letters, the Seven Double Letters, and the Twelve Simple Letters. The Three Mothers are Aleph, Mem and Shin, which are attributed to the Three elements of the Ancients Air, Water and Fire. The Tarot Trumps that correspond to these letters, The Fool, The Hanged Man, and Judgement are specific conduits of these elemental energies. The...

Hermetic Symbols

Mercury Hermetic Symbols

THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Twelfth Path is the Intelligence of Transparency because it is that species of Magnificence called Chazchazit, which is named the place whence issues the vision of those seeing in apparitions That is the prophesies by seers in a vision . The Path of Beth is between Kether and Binah. It is the transition between the One Pure Source of All, energy undefined, and the Great Organizer, a relationship described by the meaning of the...

The Princes

Tarot The Chariot

These Princes are seated in chariots, and thus borne forward. They represent the Vau Forces of the Name in each suit The Mighty Son of the King, and the Queen, who realizes the influences of both scales of Force A prince, the son of a King and Queen, yet a Prince of Princes, and a King of Kings. An Emperor, whose effect is at once rapid though not so swift as that of a King and enduring though not as steadfast as that of a Queen . It is therefore symbolized by a figure borne in a chariot, and...

The Tarot Of Oswald Wirth

It became necessary to have a Tarot pack in which the symbolism was definitely established. This work, suggested by Eliphas Levi, who defined the principles on which it was to be based, has been accomplished by Mr. Oswald Wirth. This clever occultist, aided by the advice of Stanislas de Guaita, has designed the series of the twenty-two major arcana. These drawings reproduce the Tarot of Marseilles, with the symbolical modifications suggested by the researches of Eliphas Levi upon this important...

The Tarot Rose Cross Ritual

Rose Cross Ritual

Before the ritual, remove and study the following trump cards Keys 0,1, 2,4,5,11,12,13, 20, and 21. (1) Perform the Relaxation Ritual. (3) Light a stick of incense to serve as your ritual tool. Go to the southeast (SE) corner of the room and face outward. Trace a large cross and circle there with the stick of incense. As you draw the cross, visualize it in a golden light. The circle should be imagined as flaming red, and when tracing it, vibrate the name, YEHESHUAH (yeh-hay-shoe-ah). On the...

The Halloween Tarot

I need to begin this review by saying that Halloween is a favorite holiday of mine. I like dark and creepy things, I sing along to The Nightmare Before Christmas , and I enjoy staying up until the just-light of early morning reading horror novels. When I celebrate Halloween, it is keeping in mind the ancient origins of its predecessor, Samhain, or its Mexican counterpart El Dia de los Muertos I light candles to the dead, do divination work, and get into an extremely spooky and festive mood.

Chapter Understanding The Minor Mentors

In order to help you understand the symbology of the Tarot more thoroughly, I have prepared what I call Mentors for each card in the deck. I have broken them down into Mentors for the Minor Arcana, the Court Cards and the Major Arcana, and I suggest that you study them in this order, just we have approached them in previous chapters.' The term Mentor means wise loyal advisor, a teacher or coach. In Greek mythology Mentor was the loyal friend and advisor of Odysseus and the teacher of his son...

Cycle Wheel Kballah

Wheel Ezekiel Tarot

DOUBLE LETTER Riches-Poverty ESOTERIC TITLE The Lord of the Forces of Life THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Twenty-first Path is the Intelligence of Conciliation, and is so called because it receives the divine influence which flows into it from its benediction upon all and each existence. The Path of Caph, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, runs from Chesed to Netzach. It is the connecting Path between the Personality and the Higher Self on the Pillar of Mercy under Chokmah. The Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom...

Scrying And Astral Projection

One very important magickal use of the Tarot is as a tool for scrying and astral projection. Scrying is a form of autohypnosis which induces psychically perceived visual images. Astral projection takes scrying one step further. This is a practice which involves the use of altered states of consciousness to turn inward, and travel through the paths of the mind, eventually coming ever closer to Spirit which lies beyond the more accessible levels of the Intellect. The spiritual forces manifest in...

The Indo-European Peoples

The Ambrosia Society interest in the Indo-European people stems from the simple fact that the words Soma, Ambrosia, Nectar are extremely ancient Indo-European words, pointing to the Sacramental use of Soma by the Indo-European peoples from an ancient date. Variations of the words Soma, Ambrosia and Nectar are found in all the remaining branches of the Indo-European languages.

Ain Soph Paranishpanna

That ray wishes to return to its Star which has always smiled upon it. That Star which internally guides us is a Super-divine atom of Absolute Abstract Space. The kabalistic name of that atom is the sacred Ain Soph. Ain Soph is our atomic star. That star gleams full of glory in Absolute Abstract Space. Thus from that star emanates Kether the Father , Chochmah the Son and Binah the Holy Spirit of every man. Ain Soph, the star that guides our interior sends its ray...

The Initiatory Scheme Of The Tarot

Tarot Scheme

As we have seen, the Tree of Life is based on one very simple principle, that of a positive and a negative which, between them, produce a third and balanced energy. These are the Yod, Heh and Vau of the Divine Name. A variety of terms describe this pattern, such as Male, Female, Neuter, or Father, Mother, Son. Figure 28 labels the Sephiroth centers of Force and Form, whereas Figure 28. Patterns of Form and Force on the Tree of Life. The Activating Paths are the gt the Formative Paths are the 1...

The Minor Cards

Tarot Kabbalah

The Aces relate to the Primordial Elements found in Kether, and the very root of the inn . As Crowley stated, The point to remember is that, both in their appearance and in their meaning, the Aces are not the elements themselves but the seeds of those elements. When the Tree of Life is projected into a solid sphere, they are placed at the North Pole, above the Princesses, which are called the Thrones of the Aces. The Golden Dawn taught that the Aces govern the revolution of the Universe, and...

Vertigo Tarot Card Dream

Kabbalah Lightning Bolt Tarot

TEMPERANCE-DELIRIUM, from SANDMAN Delirium is another of Morpheus's siblings. However, where Dream, Destiny, and Death all stand outside their actions that is, Death does not die, Destiny does not cause anything to happen Delirium acts on herself, becoming more wild and frenzied than anyone she might affect. Delirium as Temperance once again subverts the traditional Tarot symbolism and assumptions. And not just because Delirium is so intemperate. Temperance in the Tarot is a figure of great...

Pleasure Sun in Scorpio

An angelic hand as before, holds a group of stems of lotuses or water lilies from which six flowers bend, one over each cup. From these flowers a white glistening water flows into the cup as from a fountain, but they are not yet full. Above and below are the symbols of Sun and Scorpio, representing the Decanate. Commencement of steady increase, gain and pleasure, but commencement only. Also affront, defective knowledge and, in some instances, contention and strife arising from unwarranted...

The Magician

The eyes in the upper part represent the eyes of the Father, signifying internally the infinite, the Holy Eight, the Caduceus of Mercury, the eight Kabirs who direct the planet. The Magician is shown in right-side pro file, meaning that for the manifested, the right side is all. The Serpent protrudes from his brow, indicating that he is arisen, that he is a Self- Realised Master. The Staff of Power, which symbolises the spinal column is in the left hand which points toward the infinite, whilst...

Origins of the Tarot

Round the middle of the fifteenth century, not so long after the first written references in Europe to cards of any kind, an artist named Bonifacio Bembo painted a set of unnamed and unnumbered cards for the Visconti family of Milan. These pictures comprise the classic deck for an Italian game called 'Tarocchi' four suits of fourteen cards each, plus twenty-two cards showing different scenes and later called 'triomffi' - in English, 'triumphs', or 'trumps'. Now, of these twenty-two images many...

The Four Sevens

Mayan Symbol For Venus

Symbols The Girdle, The Rose, the Lamp. Planet Venus Color Green The beams of Chesed and Geburah meet in Netzach and thence in Netzach arises a green, pure, brilliant, liquid and gleaming like an emerald. And the Sphere of its operations is that of Nogah or External Splendour, producing zeal, love, harmony, and it ruleth the Sphere of Action of the Planet Venus and the nature of the Vegetable World. And Jehovah Tzabaoth is a God of Hosts and of Armies, of Triumph and of Victory, ruling the...

The Apostolate

In the waters of life the Pentacle of Solomon, a variant on the six-pointed star. The three upper points represent the Three Traitors of Hiram Abiff the Internal Christ , Judas, Pilate and Caiaphas desire, mind and ill- will . In the middle are 2 columns each with 9 rungs - this is the Ninth Sphere sex . We should remember that there are 9 Heavens the white colunm and 9 infernal regions the black column . We have to descend a rung in order to ascend one. Between the 2 columns there is a man...

The Root of the Powers of Fire

A white radiating angelic hand issuing from clouds and grasping a heavy club which has three branches in the colors and with the Sigils of the Scales. The right and left hand branches end respectively in three flames and the center one in four flames, thus yielding ten, the number of the Sephiroth. Two and twenty leaping flames or Yods surround it, answering to the Paths of these. Three fall below the right branch for Aleph, Mem and Shin. Seven above the central branch for the double letters....

The Four Aces

All that Is the Breath of That which Is Not The Source of Energy from the Infinite Unmanifest The First Motion That from Which we come, and to Which we shall return In Kether is the Divine White Brilliance, the scintillation and corruscation of the Divine Glory that light which lighteth the universe that light which surpasseth the glory of the Sun and beside which the light of mortals is but darkness, and concerning which it is not fitting that we should speak more fully. And the sphere of its...

The Tree Of Life

Holy Sephiroth

The Tree of Life Figure 1 is intended to symbolize the entire universe, a proposition so vast in its implications that some may doubt that such a symbol is even possible. It is a deceptively simple diagram composed of ten spheres called Sephiroth, and twenty-two connecting lines called Paths. Collectively, the Sephiroth and Paths are called the Thirty Two Paths of Wisdom. Between Binah and the next Sephira is an invisible Sephira known as Daath, or Knowledge. It is not represented on the Tree,...

The Tree Of Life And The Tarot

Blank Tree Life Jewish Tree

One cannot make an in-depth study of the Tarot without mentioning that body of ancient knowledge known as the Qabalah. This mystical tradition is the foundation upon which the modern Hermetic Tarot rests. Indeed, the cards of the Tarot can be used as windows through which one can explore and better understand the Qabalah, the complexity of which might frustrate many students. Whether or not the original creators of the Tarot intended to create a pictorial system that would explain the basic...

Medieval Qabalism

The Sepher Yetzirah set the stage for much later Jewish mysticism by amalgamating various mystical currents into a Jewish context. Called the earliest extant Hebrew text of systematic, speculative thought,29 its ideas were built upon by later scholars. For example, where the very word Sephiroth was originally used to mean simply numbers or numerical stages in creation, in the middle ages that word came to mean a specific system of Divine emanation.30 One of the most important ideas to be added...

The Quest Tarot

Joseph Martin begins his introduction to the Quest Tarot by saying, My intent is to get you up and running with the Quest Tarot as fast as possible and in a language you can easily understand. I want you to be able to pick up the deck, put the book by your side, and start having fun. I would say he succeeded, because as soon as I opened the box I started reading with the cards. I hadn't read his introduction, or any other part of the book, first.

Western Tree Kether Sephirah

Chokmah, Sephirah 2 Binah, Sephirah 3 Gedulah, Sephirah 4 Geburah, Sephirah 5 Tiphareth, Sephirah 6 Netzach, Sephirah 7 Hod, Sephirah 8 Yesod, Sephirah 9 Malkuth, Sephirah 10 Aleph, 1 gt 2 Beth, 1 gt 3 Gimel, 1 gt 6 Daleth, 2 gt 3 Heh, 2 gt 6 Vav, 2 gt 4 Zayin, 3 gt 6 Cheth, 3 gt 5 Teth, 4 gt 5 Yod, 4 gt 6 Kaph, 4 gt 7 Lamed, 5 gt 6 Mem, 5 gt 8 Nun, 6 gt 7 Samekh, 6 gt 9 Ayin, 6 gt 8 Peh, 7 gt 8 Tzaddi, 7 gt 9 Qooph, 7 gt 10 Resh, 8 gt 9 Shin, 8 gt 10 Tav, 9 gt 10 From this perspective, there...

The Qabalah

As understood today, the word Qabalah means a tradition or that which is received. It also means a very specific system of metaphysics. But in the ancient world Qabalah had a more general meaning, that of The Law. It could mean an oral law or it could be the law of Moses in the first five books of the Bible, The Torah called the Pentateuch in Greek . It was not until the twelfth century that the term assumed today's precise meaning.20 There are two separate schools of Qabalah, that of Judaism...

The Nineteenth Key the th Path

Before you upon the Altar is the Nineteenth Key of Tarot which symbolically resumes these ideas. The Sun has twelve principal rays which represent the twelve signs of the zodiac. They are alternately waved and salient as symbolizing the alternation of the masculine and feminine natures. These again are subdivided into the 36 Decanates or sets of ten degrees in the Zodiac, and these again are subdivided into 72, typifying the 72 Quinances or sets of five, and the 72-fold Name Schemhamphoresch....

Use Of The Tableau

Seek in the horizontal column, to the left of the principle under consideration, the sense written there. 2. Having ascertained this meaning, return to your principle and search in the vertical column at the bottom the great principle God, Man, or the Universe which is written there. 3. Combine the meaning first obtained with the name placed in the vertical column, adding to it the word itself or manifest written in the vertical column which contains the principle of which you are seeking...

Earned Success Mercury in Aquarius

Two hands as before, each holding three swords which cross in the center. Rose re-established hereon. Mercury and Aquarius above and below, supported on the points of two short daggers or swords. Success after anxiety and trouble. Selfishness, beauty, conceit, but sometimes modesty therein, dominion, patience, labor, etc., according to dignity. Tiphareth of Vav. Labor, work, journey by water. Herein rule Rehaayal and Yeyeziel. The Six of Swords is Tiphareth in the scale of Yetzirah. It is Solar...

The Buckland Romani Tarot

In the Authentic Gypsy TraditionThe Gypsies of England, called the Roma, have a lifestyle, culture, and history all their own. Although they have not been able to preserve all of their ways due to changing laws (such as those for education), they have maintained their convictions about who they are as a people. Trades, skills, language, art, and special practices such as fortune telling, have lived on in their communities.

Illumination Tarot Card Meaning

Sport Direct Wall Clocks

Before interpreting the cards drawn, the gypsy custom is to demand token payment by crossing the palm of the diviner with silver. Some have said this practice is a remnant of the ancient rite of offering silver to the priests of Hermes, the god of divination. As we shall see later, the trickster god plays a great part in the symbolism of the Major Arcana. This layout may be elaborated upon by the addition of a third card. In this instance the first card drawn will act as an indicator of the...

Mystic Faerie Tarot

Faeries with pink gossamer wings, flower buds in delicate lavender, cheerful furry creatures one might not immediately see beyond the light and innocent, when first flipping through the cards of this deck. There is an obvious ethereal quality to the images, which is as silky and smooth as the cards themselves. Mystic Faerie Tarot is a visual journey through a faerie garden, and the companion book is our guide.

Wise Gal Tarot

Amazing Ways to Read Your Fortune The Wise Gal Tarot is a very basic introduction to a variety of intuitive arts, written in a fun and warm style, just for girls. The section on tarot is only part of the book (following sections on dowsing, tasseography, pyromancy, the Chinese zodiac, palmistry, and bibliomancy), but the book does provide small punch-out tarot cards (sized for young girls), in the traditional tarot format.I bought this book for my ten year old daughter, who quickly outgrew it.

Golden Tarot

This is a tarot deck for dreamers and romantics, for lovers of beauty and fine, fine things. If The Tarot of Prague is my very favorite deck, then Golden Tarot is a close second, and would have been a special treasure when I was a young girl. The entire package is a treat - the gilded cards and their accompanying guidebook are held securely in a sturdy, attractive box, with a top that fits snugly.

The Tarot of Prague

A good number of visitors have asked me what my favorite tarot deck is. To this, I have never had an answer, because there are probably at least a half dozen decks that I could think of, none of them really more preferred than the rest. Each one seems to appeal emotionally, or intuitively, or in more literal ways. With the Tarot of Prague, I have an answer. This is my favorite tarot deck, and it isn't simply for reason of emotion, or intuition, or the more literal but for all.

The Double Letters Planets Localities Days Gateways Contrasts

Tree Life Planets

The initial commentary on the Double Letters states that they are so called because each letter represents a contrast or permutation. In fact, each of these seven letters has two pronunciations, one hard and one soft. The letters refer, in order, to Life and Death, Peace and War, Wisdom and Folly, Riches and Poverty, Grace and Indignation, Fertility and Solitude, Power and Servitude. These are the pairs of opposites which we can apply to the designated Tarot Trumps. These Seven Double Letters...

The Four Nines

The Perfume And Sandals Qabalah

The Cyclic Energies underlying Matter The beams of Chesed and Geburah meet in Yesod, and thence ariseth in Yesod a brilliant deep violet-purple or puce, and thus is the third Triad completed. And the sphere of its operation is that of Levanah, the Lunar beam, bestowing change, increase and decrease upon created things and it ruleth the Sphere of Action of the Moon and the nature of mankind. And Shaddai is a God who sheddeth benefits, Omnipotent and Satisfying, and A1 Chai is the God of Life,...

The Path Of Tau The Universe

MEANING Tau Cross, Equal Armed Cross DOUBLE LETTER Power-Servitude ESOTERIC TITLE The Great One of the Night of Time THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Thirty-Second Path is the Administrative Intelligence, and it is so called because it directs and associates in all their operations the seven planets, even all of them in their own due course. Study of the Paths begins not with the first card, THE FOOL, but with the last, THE UNIVERSE.97 This is because we ascend the Tree of Life, working from our...

The Four Worlds

Into The Abyss Site

BRIAH is the second World, the World of Creation. This level of the Tree includes Chesed, Geburah, and Tiphareth. The second letter, Heh, of Tetragrammaton is ascribed to this World, and it is therefore the dominion of Primordial Water. The element of Water represents the fluid, inventive Mind, thus Briah is described as the World of Pure Intellect, where the Archangels are said to exist. YETZIRAH is the third level, known as the World of Formation. This consists of Netzach, Hod and Yesod.

The Sixteenth Key the th Path

Before you upon the Altar is the 16th Key of Tarot, which symbolically resumes these ideas. It represents a tower struck by a lightning flash proceeding from a rayed circle and terminating in a triangle. It is the Tower of Babel struck by the Fire from Heaven. It is to be noted that the triangle at the end of the flash, issuing from the circle, forms exactly the astronomical symbol of Mars. It is the Power of the Triad rushing down and destroying the columns of Darkness. Three holes are rent in...

The Major Arcana and Personal Growth

He first line of the Major Arcana takes us through the process of maturity. It shows the stages of a person's growth from a child, to whom mother is all loving and father all powerful, through, education, to the point where the child becomes an independent personality. At the same time these cards deal with a much wider development, of which the individual development is a microcosm. They depict the creation of human society, out of both the archetypes of existence and the chaotic energy of...

The Cosmic Tribe Tarot

What a beautiful deck The Cosmic Tribe Tarot has vitality, energy, hope, and pure joy. It speaks of and from the universe, and in its sense of friendship it really does feel like a cosmic tribe. I want to get something out of the way, right away - the nudity in this deck. It is beautiful, and I hate to sound trite - it is natural. I dug right into this deck.

Tarot of the Witches

A number of visitors specifically requested that I review this deck. I didn't expect to like it, having seen some of the images before and not being drawn to them at all. The dramatically broad-shouldered men and women, with their often long wiry hair and large intense eyes, struck me as somewhat creepy.

When higher guidance is indicated

After the ten cards have been laid out in the Celtic Cross Spread and before you commence the reading, notice the total number of Major Arcana cards in the spread. If there are four or more cards of the Major Arcana, the spread should be picked up immediately and the 22 Major cards extracted from the pack. The spread should then be continued, using the Major Arcana only. If you have a separate pack used only for Major Aracana readings, this may be used, but remember to have the client shuffle...

Twelfth Symbol Of Kaballistic Tarot

The Path Between Hod And Tiphareth

ESOTERIC TITLE The Spirit of the Mighty Waters THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Twenty-third Path is called the Stable of Intelligence, and it is so called because it has the virtue of consistency among all numerations. THE HANGED MAN, the Path of Mem, connects Hod and Geburah on the Pillar of Severity. It is also a connecting channel between the Personality and the Higher Self, although its initiatory implications are very different from those three Paths leading directly into Tiphareth. This...

Budda Taro Cards Meaning

Hermit Tarot Meaning

PATH COLOR Green-yellowish SIGN Virgo Mutable Earth ESOTERIC TITLE The Prophet of the Eternal, the Magus of the Voice of Power THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Twentieth Path is the Intelligence of Will, and is so called because it is the means of preparation of all and each created being, and by this intelligence the existence of the Primordial Wisdom becomes known. The Path of Yod, connects Tiphareth the Christ-Buddha center and Chesed the Architect of Manifestaton . In brief, it represents...

Bailing Qlartos

Tarot Journal

The first question anyone will ask you if you ever let it be known that you are interested in tarot cards is, Can you tell my fortune If you admit that you actually own a deck, then of course the request becomes a demand. For what is the use of owning a deck of tarots if you don't know how to use it Therefore, before embarking on a study of the deeper and darker aspects of tarot cards, you will quite obviously need to know how to use them in the way that the average tarot enthusiast does as...

Sets Of Paths

Middle Pillar Exercise

Another way to consider the Keys is in terms of equilibrium and opposites Figure 25 . Here THE FOOL is viewed as the opposite of THE MAGICIAN, or THE CHARIOT the opposite of THE HIEROPHANT on the basis of their position on the Tree of Life. It is important to note that position is the consideration here, since some authorities establish card opposites in other ways. Beyond Gematria as a means for examining the Tree's internal workings, one begins to look for Paths that are related in special...

The Ninth Key the Oth Path

The Tenth Key The Tarot

The Magickal Title of this card is the Magus of the Voice of Light, the Prophet of the Gods. The path of the Hermit leads from Tiphareth to Chesed. It is The Mercy of Beauty, the Magnificence of Sovereignty, Jupiter acting through Virgo upon Sol. He represents communication between the Higher Self of the Ethical Triad and the Spiritual Self of the Supernal Triad. The Hermit is symbolized by the Kerux in Golden Dawn ritual, who is Anubis ultimately a lower form of Hermes-Thoth, messenger to the...

The Universe The Keys The Eighth

RELATED SOUND E Natural SIGN Leo Fixed Fire MEANING Snake SIMPLE LETTER Taste ESOTERIC TITLE The Daughter of the Flaming Sword THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Nineteenth Path is the Intelligence of all the activities and spiritual beings, and is so called because of the affluence diffused by it from the most high blessing and most exalted sublime glory. In our upward progress on the Tree of Life the Path of STRENGTH leads to the edge of the Abyss, as did THE HERMIT. And as we come closer and...

The Wheel Of Fortune

In this picture we see a strange wheel in a small boat afloat on the waves. The boat consists of two half-moons, one is positive-red, the other negative-green. A sturdy grey pole stands in the boat and round its base coil two serpents, one positive-red, the other negative-green. A large wheel is attached to the top of the pole. At the point where the wheel is fixed to the pole, thus on the axis of the wheel, there is a handle. From this we see that the wheel is being turned. The wheel consists...

Ritual Work And Divination

Once the student understands the basic Qabalistic principles behind the Tarot and has studied the symbolism of each card, he or she is ready to begin using the cards in the techniques of meditation, divination, and ritual magick. Although many people think of divination as the primary use of Tarot cards, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn considers it the least important of Tarot applications. The Tarot's greatest use is as a magickal implement which can bring spiritual attainment to one who...

Daath Knowledge

Daath is called the Invisible Sephira in that it does not appear in any representation of the Tree of Life. And, in terms of pure Qabalistic doctrine, it is not actually a Sephira at all. As the Sepher Yetzirah states Ten is the number of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven.11 But an experience of what is called Daath is required to cross the Abyss, the great gulf between the Supernal Triangle and all beneath. This is the area of demarcation between Macroprosopus and...

Wheel Of Fortune

Life is like the Wheel when man is up, the only way to go is down when he is down, he can be sure that he wall eventually go up again. Nothing in this life is stable and permanent man must learn to accept the challenges and the blessings, for both are important to his soul's growth. Justice is the voice of man's conscience. He must learn to obey it, in order to maintain his inner balance. The Higher Consciousness of man directs his actions, and if it is ignored, man loses his spiritual...

The High Priest

In this picture we see a male figure with all the insignia of an important dignitary of the church. He is the high priest. He sits upon a throne of which only two posts are visible. There is no longer a curtain between them, for there is nothing to hide any more. The face of the high priest, too, is without a veil. He shows us his face openly, he also has nothing to hide. His white hair and beard show that he is a spiritual being which will itself never become earthly even though it is active...

Tarot Ritual and Divination

Tarot Journal

Ritual is a much misunderstood term, conjuring images both glamourous and sinister of cowled or naked figures performing unmentionable rites in unspeakable places. This is an indication of the power of the popular novelist's image making faculty to impose entirely erroneous ideas onto those who know no better. Ritual is undoubtedly a powerful technique, as is all group work that involves the controlled use of the creative imagination. We have already described the technique of Pathworking or...

Tarot Shadow Work:

Tarot Shadow Work Using the Dark Symbols to Heal By Christine Jette The Shadow contains the darker aspects of our character that have remained undeveloped because they have not been given expression. Jung suggested these undeveloped feelings, ideas, and desires were animal instincts passed along in evolution and representing the negative sides of our psyches. If neglected, our Shadow will rule us. So powerful is the Shadow, Jung wrote, that if it is not attended to (i.e.

The Four Fives

The Eliminator of the Useless Symbols The Pentagon, The Tudor Rose of Five Petals, the Sword, the Spear, The Scourge. Planet Mars In Binah is the Radix of Red, and therein is there a red colour, pure and scintillating and flashing with flame which is reflected into Geburah. The Sphere of its operation is called Madim or violent rushing Force and it bringeth fortitude, and war and strength and slaughter, as it were, the flaming Sword of an avenging God. And it ruleth the Sphere of Action of the...

The Tenth Key the st Path

The Magickal Title of this card is the Lord of the Forces of Life. The path of the Wheel of Fortune runs between the spheres of Netzach and Chesed. It is The Mercy and Magnificence of Sovereignty, Jupiter acting through Jupiter direct on Venus. This path is the conduit of energy between the Personality (Lower Self) and the Higher Self on the Pillar of Mildness. It is known as the Intelligence of Conciliation, meaning that the Wheel is the mediator between two opposites. The Wheel is also a...

Tarot Cards The Faithful Dog

The Fool Tarot Card

PATH COLOR Bright Pale Yellow ESOTERIC TITLE The Spirit of Aether. THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Eleventh Path is the Scintillating Intelligence, because it is the essence of that curtain which is placed close to the order of the disposition, and this is a special dignity given to it that it may be able to stand before the Face of the Cause of Causes. The Path of THE FOOL connects Kether, the Source of All, with Chokmah, the first activity toward manifestation. Aleph is assigned to this Path,...

The Philosophers' Stone

Woodcut on title page of Das Geheimniss der hermetischen Philosophie, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1770. The Philosophers' Stone also called the Water Stone of the Wise , in Latin it is the lapis philosophorum in Greek tou philos phou l thos , a legendary substance, believed to be the source of the Elixir of Life , useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality. It was the original goal of most of the 4 century B.C.

Chesed Mercy The Four Fours

The Framework of Manifestation The Loving Father who is King The Receptacle of All Powers Symbols The Pyramid, The Square, the Orb and Equal-armed Cross, the Crook, the Sceptre. Planet Jupiter Color Blue In Chokmah is the Radix of blue and thence is there a blue color pure and primitive, and glistening with a spiritual Light which is reflected into Chesed. And the Sphere of its Operation is called Tzedek or Justice and it fashioneth the images of material things, bestowing peace and mercy and...

Throne Of The Ace Of Cups Princess

The Empress Kabbalah

TEN OF CUPS, Lord of Perfected Success Mars in Pisces . Angels of the Decan Aasliah and Mihal . This is Malkuth in Briah, the influence of Malkuth in the unconscious Mental World. Here is a situation where the generally understood astrological meaning of an aspect does not apply. In an astrological reading, Mars in Pisces, a watery sign, would signify a dispersal of energy and a degree of frustration. But the meaning here is that the fire of Mars causes the waters of the final sign of the...

The Manga Tarot

The packaging for this tarot immediately says girly The lid of the pink and lavender box opens with a ribbon, revealing a slim booklet, and the whole top portion of the box twists neatly to one side to display the cards, nestled securely in two wells. It is a sturdy, but fun, affair, designed to be used and adored by girls, teens, and young women.But, girly doesn't necessarily mean powder-puff or fluff.

The Season Cards

ACE OF CUPS SPRING March April May ACE OF WANDS SUMMER June July August ACE OF SWORDS AUTUMN September October November ACE OF PENTACLES WINTER December January February Although the Aces are Season Cards when they appear in certain positions in a spread, they also retain their individual interpretations as well. Don't become so involved in trying to determine a date that you lose the essence of divination contained in each card in the spread Aces play an important part in the Tarot drama. When...

Mithras, Mithra, Mitra

Mithras is the Latin name of a Vedic god that the ancient Persians called Mithra , and in the Rig Veda is called Mitra . Mitra is one of the hundred plus names of Soma in the Rig Veda and means the friend of all men . Mitra is an extremely old God, whose name first appears in writing in a peace treaty between the Hittite empire and the Mitanni in approximately 1450BC, Mithra was often invoked in contracts and treaties.

Hermetic Triumph

The Hermetical Triumph or,The Victorious Philosophical Stone A Treatise more compleat and more intelligible than any has been yet, concerning The Hermetical Magistery. Translated from the French London 1723. To the Reader Seeing not only the bad Success most Searchers of the Hermetick Art meet with, but that likewise great Numbers of them are fallen into the greatest Absurdities, as well in respect to their Operations, as to the Matter they work upon, and often wishing to see some Remedy...

The Rune Vision Cards

Several thousand years ago, people of northern Europe utilized a unique sacred alphabet, in a language of divination and mysticism. This alphabet was used to communicate with their deities and with the spirit world. The letters of this ancient alphabet were often inscribed into pieces of wood, which were then thrown, and interpreted for keen insight. These letters were called runes. The runes contained significant messages that became precise and direct as their meanings were intuited.

Chapter How To Read The Cards

Esoteric Circles

Every day of our lives, our minds receive thousands of bits of information and impressions, all of which are stored away in mental cubbyholes, some for future use, some to be forgotten forever. But they are all there, with more being added all the time. This becomes quite a mental clutter, unless we can develop the concentration to retrieve only what we need when we need it. This is particularly true of the Tarotologist, for you must not only be able to recall bits of data facts and information...